Cool old bride in Texas
Beginning of trip! Thought we were going to see lots of cool scenery!
Arriving in Texas! What am I in for???
Monte getting ready to escort through Texas.
Here she is.. Lead the way!!!!
Our first little....U-turn!! Those darn GPS'S
I guess it ain't all bad!! Some nice scenery. Forget the name of this bridge, but it was gorgeous.
I will show you all the good pics first, as it certainly didn't have alot of good scenery to see. Long long deserted highways. We left early Wednesday morning. It wasn't so bad at first, it was overcast and very barable.
As the day went on it became very unbearable. I got so hot, I thought I was going to die!! Every gas station, I would take my shirt off in the ladies room and soak it up.
I have given up trying to look half descent at all. And I was worried about a blow dryer..lmao I would go with out a helmet, and it got so hot, I would go without a doo rag even. I know it is wrong, but no helmet laws, so I took full advantage of it. Got a little sunburnt I might add.
Monte wore the full gear, even a full faced helmet. I would go into heat exaustion even looking at her. She even gave me one of those cooling vests, but it was so heavy, and uncomfortable, I had to take it off. So I just opted to pour water on me every 10 minutes.
My favorite line, is I HATE TEXAS!! Man that state is never ending!! Every mile is like 10. I turn up my tunes and try to forget about things. Thank God for tunes. It would be horrible without them.
We rode about 360 miles of hell that day. Finally came to a little hunting lodge and decided to stay there. Tons of little deserted old villages. Miles and mile apart. Get a good night sleep and get away early we thought. Because we couldn't see our bikes from our room, we decided it was best to haul everything inside. That was a trip.. Next time I travel, I will bring nothing and just buy t-shirts along the way.
The people at the lodge were really nice, and she made me put a pin on her map as to where I was going and where I came from. I was the farthest both ways. A young boy about 12 was working there and totally inthrawled with our story. He asked me if I would PLEASE email him, and let me know how I was doing.. How cute!! I will have to do that.
From the very beginning of this trip, people are always asking...Where ya headed?? Of course I say... Vancouver Island!! The looks I get is quite funny!
Okay so we didn't get away too early this morning, as I had to pack up all my gear again, and get the dreaded faxing done for the customs. It is done, so hopefully when I get there it will be smooth sailing.
By the time we leave at 10am, it is scortching hot again.....We get some miles on and decide to stop for breaky. Can't remember what town it was, but the restaurant was called BILLY DEANS. This old gal, run it for 40 years. Doubt wether the town had 1000 people. Anyway, she wanted to hear the story, and she gave me $10 for the fundraiser. Sweet ol gal!!
Off we go again, and basically those scenery pics, are the only ones I have. The rest was pavement, desert, run down farms, cow, dead animals, and heat!!
It got so bad...I got kinda cranky.. impatient..and was getting sloppy even pulling in for gas. So we parked the bikes in the shade, absolutely soaked myself, ate a banana, drank some gator aid, and apologised to Monte for looking like a mad woman.. She just laughed and said its getting to you, and that means it is time to stop...
She is a great traveling partner, and road leader. Lots of patience and knows when I have had enough!!
So we didn't get to our destination again, in Albequerque.. We are about 160 miles away. Panzer is minutes away. He called tonight, and we will meet, but he says it is time for another day off. I have 3000 miles under my belt. Take a rest and do Route 66, Grand Canyon, Four Corners, Las Vegas. Dragon will be meeting us next week, to ride the Conga back home.
Probably next week, I will be complaining about the cold...No matter what, I am still having one hellova time. I wouldn't change any of it...Well maybe the
Monte will be heading back tomorrow at noon, for McKinney Texas. Poor gal...She has traveled along way with me, and deserves a metal. I told her she could leave me and I would find my way to Panzer myself, but she wont consider it!!
More pics to come of the rest of the Conga in the very near future, starting right back at the send off, with my dear friends the Palladinos, and HippieJohn.
Bloggin is alotta work!!!
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