Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Motorman and Doc surprise me!!

My lovely seat!!

I got tunes...Thankyou Motorman and Doc!!!!
Doc figured I couldn't travel 4000 miles with out tunes...Love Ya!!!

Getting ready for the tour!


Okay I'm running around doing this and that, packing, calling, blah, blah, blah.

Doc calls me and say Motorman wants you he is in the bikemajal!!

Okay Doc...What does he need?? She says he wants to know if you like music. I'm like ...Ya love music....good says Doc go look!!

Well, if he hadn't installed this awesome radio system with CD player right on the windshield.

He put this go put this awesome chrome trim rim around it. Wow does that set that beautiful seat off!!

I went out an bought a new piece of luggage as I could see the dispointment in his face about how gross lookin that tatterted ol thing from Mexico looked on the back of the Queen's seat! He had a big smile. It did look hidious, can't look hideous.


willi said...

Oh Flobe, that seat is bee-u-tiful now and love that chrome thingy around it :-)

And now ya got tunes -- what a lucky lil Canuck you are LOL

Have a great trip!


Anonymous said...

Hi Flo!
I'm sitting here in my office following your adventure with a heavy heart, boy, I miss you. Every mile you ride, I'm right there with you. I am so damn proud of you, as is the Motorman. We read your posts and smile and talk about what a fantabulous time we had with you here in Florida. Laughing and talking about this and that with Flo. What great memories I will always have with you, they are cherised memories Flo. You are one unique and incredible person. We love you and wish you sunny skies and smooth roads ahead till you complete your Conga. We're only a phone call away if you need anything.
Donna and Jerry

Flo said...

Hey Doc and Motorman!!
I know your followin me...you are both sittin on my shoulder as I go into situations that I have to think about.
Of course all the good memories I am taking with me. I forgot my certifcate, that means alot to me!!We will worry about that later, you aint seen the last of me girl! There are things called planes.
Love you both, and thanks again for everything!

Anonymous said...

Hey Flo,
No worries, I've got your rider class certificate right here in the office. I'll mail it home to you once you are settled in from your journey. We miss you!!

Flo said...

Right on!! I am so dang proud of that thing. I will proudly hang it in my barbershop!