Friday, July 18, 2008

RLAP Practise in Port Alberni

Since we did the RLAP practise in PA, last weekend I couldn't wait to get back and practise again. I showed Motorman my figure 8 video, which I thought I was doing pretty good. This is how he resoponded..........
What happened Flo?? you did it here in Florida, you got enough space under your floor boards for the average size person to camp under. Oh yah, the figure 8 is so big, that you are taking up part of the US soil!! You have to know Motorman like I do in other words you need to get out there and practise some more.
I got a good pep talk from my buddy Doc, and I couldn't wait to get to PA and have myself re-taped and send it to them with my better firgure 8.
I hussled down the slab(freeway) after closing the shop early so I could get there at 6. I was going about 80miles per hour.. Nothing enjoyable about that really for more than a couple miles. I really don't like taking the freeway.
Was not sure how I was going to find the parking lot, but I would some how. Luckily a couple of the gals were watching for me and we got there on time.
I was feeling confident a little exhausted but ready to practise. My first mistake never be to confident and think about what you are doing before you do it..
Don't forget your Dip!! Crikey I couldn't even do the slow cone weave., with out running them all over and just about putting the bike down. Okay I am not off to a good start, it will get better!! I could go down one side but not the other. I did it numerous times, and said I just dont get it..
I move over to the off set cones and it did feeling alot better, but new I had to lean more and it just was happening. Oh well I smoothed it out, never dropped it once there. Can't wait to hear the floor boards scraping once in awhile.
We had a great turn out for the practise, even Taz and Vulc came up from Ladysmith.
I went over to the do the dreaded figure 8 and there is where I dropped it twice. I know now why sot that is the main thing. I need to dip first and take the circles wider until I feel comfy and then start narrowing them down.
I find ou later the reason I could not do the cones the other way back was because they were 2 feet closer.... grrrrrrr!!
It was a great time, even though I drop the Queen 4 times. I don't even think about the pick up any more just up she goes.
So I was having an off day... I rode home at full speed freezing and tired. thinking about what I had done all the way home. Why o why was I having such a hard time, when I aced it in Florida...
Because I was trying to damn hard and wanted to prove I could do better each time not worse.
I have 700 miles on since Monday this is Thursday!
I have been home 6 weeks from the Conga and I know have 10,000 miles on the Queen. Still dropping... I hadn't dropped since DEATH VALLEY!
The crew in PA are totally awesome gang, supportive, helful, hilarious!! I wanna move to Port ;)


Unknown said...

C'mon Flobe! I know you can do that ding danged course! Ya done it once, ya can do it again. Just keep yer eye on the goal gurl. An' as far as droppin' the Queen? Ya prolly figured out whatcha did wrong by now, just be mindful of it an' yer home free! An' as far as bein' too old ta ride? PHOOEY on THAT one lol. As long as yer in good physical/mental shape, yer NEVER too old ta ride.

As the patch says S.I.U.P! LOVE that patch.

Yer STILL mah idol - next ta Doc Donna that is - so keep those knees in the breeze gal.

Sue g

Flo said...

Hey Sue, thanks for that sista.. That good ol encouragment helps..I am going out to show the bitch whos boss right now... Settin up a parking lot right here at home..
Yur still watchin me??
Love ya!