I went to the parking lot after work today. I was only there for about 45 minutes. It is kinda lonely doing it yourself, but I did it. I didn't even have to put out the little balls. I had painted dots as an outline for each of the excercises. It was a little tough seeing it at first but once I got it figured, it went pretty smooth.
I'm like whoa, I only got a week of pratctise, and I am doing good.. My shoulders relaxed, scraping on the left, on just about every excercise.
I been taking everyones advice. Motorman told me, that if I could speed up a bit on the figure 8 it would actually work better.
Robocop told me to kinda put my left butt cheek off to the left when I am leaning to the right., and I have to say I felt a difference
Doc, tells me to relax my shoulders and I even try to do the smile as I am going in circles.. It worked!! Just bloody amazin it is how fast you can improve on your skills when you practise practise!! Like anything I suppose, but I never felt it would come this fast. I remember up in PA, when I dropped that bike 4 times in one night.. Heck couldn't do any thing right!
I recieved a couple boxes of RLAP t-shirts to sell with some more dvd's. Got to get the word spread.. RLAP works!! I think I am doing pretty good with the dvd's as soon as a stranger pulls up to talk to me about the bike, out comes a dvd... As someone said to me... You just hold them at gun point till they do... It is easy to sell something when you believe in it.
Now give me 2 different kinds of shampoo and conditioner... ha!! One is in a pretty bottle and one is in a plain bottle, the pretty one sells for double the amount but is the same shit!!! Guess what .. I have never been able to sell shampoo and conditioner. Your hair is friggin dead anyway and nothing is going to bring it back to life!! That's my story and Im stinking to it!!
This weekend is a memorial ride for Rod Wiseman who taught me how to ride. Now that man deserved a metal!! Anyway, I have been talking about it off and on for a year, and want to surprise his wife that we can round up enough people to go for a beautiful memorial ride. I talked to her a week ago and she said she was sorry, she just didint have it in her to organize much. She said if a half dozen people showed up she would be proud.
I have no idea how many will show, but I am thinking we have about 20 at least, so that is going to be a nice suprise, and will look really pretty going down the highway. Rod would have been 50 on the 3rd of August.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tinks Day
I left Dragons place at 8:30 headed for PA.. It is about a 2 hour ride. A beautiful one once you get off the freeway. In PA, there is a new gal to the area, and new to riding, and today was the day she was to do her road test. That would be Tink...She is a good rider and we had no doubt she would pass!!
I tried to arrange of few of us to get together to surprise her, but most work, so I called Dogdrifter. She works, but is the boss and can come and go so to speak. Anyway, I left a message that I was heading up that way. Hoping like I could find her, or the motor vehicle place.. If not, I was just going for a nice ride and my intentions were in the right place..
As it turned out she saw me on the highway and we got there in time for Tinker to start her road test. Here is a clipping of the whole event.
Wow... We were totally shocked that she never made it and very disapointed for her.. The instructor said,...SHE HAD IT IN THE BAG... JUST MADE A WRONG CHOICE.. Poor darlin put her bike down in the gravel, when she was making a u-turn. Bike down, is automatic fail.
I am so glad we were there, well, when we went back after coffee, she was gone. The instructor told us the vicinity of where he lived, so we tracked her down...
Hubby came to the door and looked pretty sad... and was happy that the goils, came by to cheer her up.
We all went out for lunch and helped cheered her up... She had already taken off her biker shirt, listed her bike... Definetly having a moment... What are girlfriends for..
I got the girls to lead me towards heading out of town, as I still had another 2 hours to get home, and it was not sunny anymore.
I heard Tink say...."Hey Flo!!! I'm like... ya Tink!!! She says with a big smile..."I love you"
Ah... man, that made me smile, and I said it right back at her!!!
I do love my sisters!!!!
I rode home, freezin my ass off, but worth every second about 2 blocks from home, the skies opened up!!
Cowhichan Show and Shine Sunday
This is a pic of the end of the show and shine in Cowichan as we are all getting ready to go our seperat ways.
Today was the first time I met McJeep. He is Tee's hubby, and he is a nut!! lol
And the winners are!!!! Flo-Cazz-Dragon! Firt time meeting Cazz also. Another VILR. We met at her house just before we left for Cowichan.
Dragon-FLO-CHEEKMO-LQ. It is only the second time meeting CHEEKMO, she is a regular on the forum and is the gal, that wrote her book...Freedom Rider. She said she is going to challenge me to write my book in November.
The weather was not looking too good for the show and shine. We rode through a little spell of raining, but nothing major.. Once we got there, it really warmed up. We had a nice visit, nice lunch, and left shortly after.
We went over to Cabana boys Roadie and he installed my Skull Gas gage and Dragons lights.. What a guy!!
What a great bunch of people!! Funny how just riding can give everyone so much in common and feel so comfortable with each other, even though you really don't know each other. Well , I am speaking for myself, as I have met so many people in such a short time.
Stayed at Draggies, and crashed early, that ridin is hard work.
Monday, July 28, 2008
More Saturday
Today wasn't looking so good weather wise. I talked to some friends from PA, and was told that they are made of sugar up there and didn't want to melt. I looked out the window and my grass was definitely being watered....Fine, I guess I will stay home and finally get some of that much needed housework done, after I finished cleaning my white walls.... Not sure if I have stated this, but...I hate cleaning white walls.. Even thought it doesn't tak a rocket scientist to do it!! I think it is time to learn how to use the hoist seeings as my bro's don't have time for me any more when it comes to doing the Bling thing!
It's BigE's friggin birthday, so I guess I will let him off the hook.. He was all in a big hurry to go camping!! So anyway, if do the white walls, and once it is done I am pretty proud of the way the Skully Queen is looking, and I pull up the garage door and there is no rain!!! Whoo hoo, maybe there is someone at the Burger Bus after all!! To hell with housework...Manana!!
I scoot off to the Bus... and to take my vest in for yet another patch to be sewn on.. It is my US vest... Love that vest from Mz TequilaSheila from Nova Scotia.. I got to get a good pic of me with it to send to her.
Waiting at the bus was Gino his wife Dafurryone...lol...she ain't furry!! Also Excile. Everyone waiting to see if anyone else would show up, the weather was not looking to promising. Warm but cloudy and it still looked like it could rain. We had a great visit and were discussing RLAP of course, and the Conga and how life has changed for me. For others actually too. Dafurryone, says to me..
Ya know Flo, I know you don't really understand sometimes what effect that you have had on people!! I'm like ya...not really, so they say, but what do you mean?....
She says a couple of weeks ago, I was at a music fest and this friend of mine, asked if I wanted a ride to the other end of the parking lot. So, I said sure, that would be great.... Now being a non rider, but only on the back of Gino, I was thrilled and said...Yes, that would be awesome.
I thought I heard him say, okay... and so I threw my legs over the bike, and down we went... he wasn't ready for me!
He looked at me and said...Sheees, you are going to have to help me pick it up now, I can't do it by myself..
She looked at the bike and remembered what I said... Pull in the handle to full lock, grab the lowest spot, place your butt in the seat and walk it back...SHE FRIGGING DID IT!! Now in my eyes you have to know our little Dafurryone to believe it!! I say whoah!!! Thankyou Motorman, for teachin me!!
She also mentioned that she is seriously thinking about buying a 3 wheeler as she has a desire to ride! I told her to start posting more on VILR and we would be more than willing to enable her.
Great visit...it is so wonderful getting to know all these people that I could only put names to before the Conga.. Gino and Dafurryone were 2 of the people that were there waiting for me at the end of the road.
Anyway, I was ready to ride, no one was coming, Excile, didn't have his bike there, so it was me and Gino. Dafurryone, told him to go for a ride with me and she would get some time to hereself. Gino agreed to ride to at least Union Bay which was not far, 20 minutes or so. Gino leads, Flo follows. We go past Union Bay to Denman ferry and I looked to the left and recognized a couple of bikes.. Jippo and Ram, so I honked away and turned off to meet them. I figured Gino would eventually see I was not with him and come back.. It took awhile but eventually he did.
Gino, me, Jippo, and Ram had a nice visit in the parking lot! Of course a couple pics were taken. Ram showed us the camera his daughter bought him for his birthday, which was today. So him and BigE have the same bdays.. Going to have to remember that for next year.
The boys headed north, and Flo south with no particular place to go.. I knew I could get into some kind of mischief.. I rode to Qualicum, to see if I could connect with a Dragon.. No where to be found so I did a surprise visit to Sister Bea's.. She was delighted when she heard the Hawg pull up.. Since I have been home, I haven't seen my family or no biker friends hardly at all.. Guilt over took and I spent the night and had a great visit.
I was planning on riding to Cowichan in the morning with Dragon and some Victioria folk.. Hoping the weather would hold out.
I receive an email from the Dragon on where to meet..
Ride to Ware, turn right, turn right on Ronald and left to meet Phillip and pick up Andrea... That is what I had to say to myself to remember the friggin directions.. She knows me well, as she said in the email... It is easy...oh right, I forgot who I was talking too...
Did I get lost going there to meet some more new folk??? you bet I did.. Went through a stop sign, took a wrong right, and ended up in a subdivision...Grrr...
Of course when she gets there, she introduces me as her friend that can travel across America and get lost on her own Island..
Not sure if there is hope for me... Think I need to Conga a few more times to get it straight... Actually going up and down the Island like I have been doing these past few months, is doing me some good...Believe it or not!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sat July 16
It is a little overcast this morning. We have had such good riding weather the past month it is only natural it will change to rain soon. Actually been so dang busy with riding and practising that a good rain and rest wouldn't do me any harm..
Well maybe some house work too... That sure has gone all to hell. I only chuckle to myself these days when I walk by the glass coffee table, that I never sit at..see the dust and think ah.... Manana! Manana comes and and so does the sunshine,and so does trying to keep up on the forum and with the blog so I get doing that and I await... Manana! It is only my Bro and I living here and he sure the heck don't see it... Every once in awhile, I will say Bro, we need to ya know,... do some shit around here... He's like...looks good to me!! I don't get what you are seeing..........Whatever!!! Just remembered, it's his birthday today so I will stop picking on him. 47 today July 26
Anyway, today some folk are riding down from PA to Courtenay and I always look forward to seeing every single on of them.. They like Sex............roflmao
Their new word for ice cream is Sex... They are a crazy bunch let me tell ya... So they are all riding from PA to meet up with a bunch for sex... Can you believe it, how the conversations will get out of hand... Where ya going dear?? Oh... you are working so I thought I would just go for a ride and have Sex with Flo... omg!!! Enough about sex... Been awhile.... about 3 days with about 5 people...Ha!!!
Not sure where we are going today. I will probably pack a bag and head south to meat the Dragon.. Stay a her place or sister Bea's and be ready for the Cowichan Show and Shine. I am going to enter but I have to say I didn't put as much effort into polishing the Queen like I usually do. That is one thing I miss so much about hanging with Blingo... Our Bling offs, have totally disappeared now that I have a Harley and him a Honda... Going to have to get those Bro's of mine into a Harley one day...Ha!! If anyone could do it... I could convince them..
Back to why... It just isnt fun. I hate doing the white walls, because I can't get it on the stand, well, can''t, it's just I never watched.
When Blingo and I used to blingoff... It was always a hoot.... I could get him to do most of it... all the polishing and little crevices and put on the bling... It was an event...All I had to do is pretend I was doing something, and get him a cold beer once in awhile, and the most important part would be to tell him how good he was a doing it.
Like... OMG BRO... you are do damn good at this... You are so the King of Bling..(he really is too btw)... I so love hanging with ya Bro...(I really do too) Omg Bro... way to go.. I mean look at our machines... Then we stand back.... and he would say something like....Yaaaaaaaaa... That's what I'm talking bout!!!
It was really special.. the more I write about it, the more i miss it!!! Grrrr!!
Got to find him the biggest baddest reddest meanest cheapest lol... Harley and of course one for me Bro BigE too..
Okay now I got it figured... Conga 2........Flo rides back another RLAP BIKE for Blingo...the following year fro BigE....HA...HTBD Can ya tell I love my bros???
Guess I best go wash the white walls ;(
Well maybe some house work too... That sure has gone all to hell. I only chuckle to myself these days when I walk by the glass coffee table, that I never sit at..see the dust and think ah.... Manana! Manana comes and and so does the sunshine,and so does trying to keep up on the forum and with the blog so I get doing that and I await... Manana! It is only my Bro and I living here and he sure the heck don't see it... Every once in awhile, I will say Bro, we need to ya know,... do some shit around here... He's like...looks good to me!! I don't get what you are seeing..........Whatever!!! Just remembered, it's his birthday today so I will stop picking on him. 47 today July 26
Anyway, today some folk are riding down from PA to Courtenay and I always look forward to seeing every single on of them.. They like Sex............roflmao
Their new word for ice cream is Sex... They are a crazy bunch let me tell ya... So they are all riding from PA to meet up with a bunch for sex... Can you believe it, how the conversations will get out of hand... Where ya going dear?? Oh... you are working so I thought I would just go for a ride and have Sex with Flo... omg!!! Enough about sex... Been awhile.... about 3 days with about 5 people...Ha!!!
Not sure where we are going today. I will probably pack a bag and head south to meat the Dragon.. Stay a her place or sister Bea's and be ready for the Cowichan Show and Shine. I am going to enter but I have to say I didn't put as much effort into polishing the Queen like I usually do. That is one thing I miss so much about hanging with Blingo... Our Bling offs, have totally disappeared now that I have a Harley and him a Honda... Going to have to get those Bro's of mine into a Harley one day...Ha!! If anyone could do it... I could convince them..
Back to why... It just isnt fun. I hate doing the white walls, because I can't get it on the stand, well, can''t, it's just I never watched.
When Blingo and I used to blingoff... It was always a hoot.... I could get him to do most of it... all the polishing and little crevices and put on the bling... It was an event...All I had to do is pretend I was doing something, and get him a cold beer once in awhile, and the most important part would be to tell him how good he was a doing it.
Like... OMG BRO... you are do damn good at this... You are so the King of Bling..(he really is too btw)... I so love hanging with ya Bro...(I really do too) Omg Bro... way to go.. I mean look at our machines... Then we stand back.... and he would say something like....Yaaaaaaaaa... That's what I'm talking bout!!!
It was really special.. the more I write about it, the more i miss it!!! Grrrr!!
Got to find him the biggest baddest reddest meanest cheapest lol... Harley and of course one for me Bro BigE too..
Okay now I got it figured... Conga 2........Flo rides back another RLAP BIKE for Blingo...the following year fro BigE....HA...HTBD Can ya tell I love my bros???
Guess I best go wash the white walls ;(
A note From Barbara
Now, I have never met Barbara in person or on line. But apparently she has been following my adventures. It amazes me really how many have done, and still do. To me it started out as just a ride to to bring my bike home, to see if I could actually do it. To step out of my comfort zone ad ride off the Island alone...I didn't really do it... I was never alone, and to be honest with anyone.... I still could not do it.. My daughter lives in Vancouver and I panick with the thoughts of getting off the ferry and trying to find out where she is, with or with out a GPS.. Any way what I am not really sure of about the whole situation, what is the amazing part that everyone thinks is so amazing.. that i did, and should write a book??
How do I ask? How do I find out??
Well, I got side tracked again.. Here is the note from a friend Barbara whom I have never met..
Flo, you don't know me.
I am relatively new to the forum. I started reading the forum about the time you arrived back home. Since that time, I have read all of your blog and the posts on the various forums about the journey you shared with your wonderful new bike, Queen, and awesome people.
I want to encourage you to write a book about your adventure. Your story is about the journey.....the rewards that life offers when one ventures outside their comfort zone and beyond one's perceived limits.
The miles and destination are very important, but many people have traveled thousands of miles in a short period of time. 'They went on a trip, whereas, you and others had a life-changing journey.'
If you don't want to write a book, you may want to consider being a freelance writer and publishing your journey in a biker magazine....maybe, in installments....just like your blog.
I am blatantly honest, so I want to share some of my thoughts with you. I wouldn't let an editor take your words and make them into perfect, English sentences.....language, grammar, and mechanics. If an editor takes your words and 'polishes them too much', the uniqueness of your feelings, thoughts, and 'just being you' will be lost. As I read your blog, I, like many others, could feel your joy, anxiety, frustration, tiredness, and doubt. It was YOUR WORDS that made the transference possible. I was very touched by your honesty. You showed strength, vulnerability, and real, human emotions. I understand this very well. I, too, am an 'open-book personality'.
Not many people will 'lay it out there' for others to see/feel. I commend you on your accomplishment. Only the best to you and yours. Barbara
How do I ask? How do I find out??
Well, I got side tracked again.. Here is the note from a friend Barbara whom I have never met..
Flo, you don't know me.
I am relatively new to the forum. I started reading the forum about the time you arrived back home. Since that time, I have read all of your blog and the posts on the various forums about the journey you shared with your wonderful new bike, Queen, and awesome people.
I want to encourage you to write a book about your adventure. Your story is about the journey.....the rewards that life offers when one ventures outside their comfort zone and beyond one's perceived limits.
The miles and destination are very important, but many people have traveled thousands of miles in a short period of time. 'They went on a trip, whereas, you and others had a life-changing journey.'
If you don't want to write a book, you may want to consider being a freelance writer and publishing your journey in a biker magazine....maybe, in installments....just like your blog.
I am blatantly honest, so I want to share some of my thoughts with you. I wouldn't let an editor take your words and make them into perfect, English sentences.....language, grammar, and mechanics. If an editor takes your words and 'polishes them too much', the uniqueness of your feelings, thoughts, and 'just being you' will be lost. As I read your blog, I, like many others, could feel your joy, anxiety, frustration, tiredness, and doubt. It was YOUR WORDS that made the transference possible. I was very touched by your honesty. You showed strength, vulnerability, and real, human emotions. I understand this very well. I, too, am an 'open-book personality'.
Not many people will 'lay it out there' for others to see/feel. I commend you on your accomplishment. Only the best to you and yours. Barbara
Friday, July 25, 2008
More Parking lot...Friday
Friday today... I went to the parking lot again before work.. It always takes me at least 10 minutes to get warmed up before I can even get close to a figure 8.. Holy Crap, how does that friend of mine, do it? Mz DonnatheDoc, whips through it, scrappin this way and that way ,with a friggin smile on her face! I have to tell ya, I can still hear her....
No problem Flo.. Once the lights go on, it happens every time... go in, lean, friction, brake, throttle, sit at front of seat, relax shoulders, snap your head.. It'll come naturally eventually. She told me when she did... Florida lit up... I told her when I get it... Vancouver Island will light up... Well right now we keep having power outages. Flickers... More lights than not, so that is a good thing.
That parking lot is a amazing, no one there but me at 8 am... No one there, but me at 5:15... Okay a couple leaving the lot and looking at me, and shaking their head, like Im nutz..
Now usually ol faithfull Ram is there with me, but it is Friday night, so I was on my own. I only hung around for an hour.. My shoulders feel like I been liftin weight these days, so it is time to take a brake.
I haven't put much milage on this week since I have dedicated myself to the parking lot. But I sure am tired at the end of the day, like I been riding for 8 hours.
I heard some negative feedback about what I was doing. About the parking lot stuff, and the RLAP. It kinda breaks my heart in away.. It was from apparently some supposedly good friends of mine. I have been feeling like maybe they werent friends for the last couple of season. I have been fighting it in my mind. Thinking I was imagining things. But today proved it.. Because the person that was telling me, had no idea of any tension between us. So it just proves I do have a pretty good judge of character. I always want to believe the best, but now I know my feelings were true.
If someone doesn't want to join me or anyone, that is fine, their choice, but bad mouthing is not good. How can anyone, bad mouth a good situation, when it improves the riding skills of many people.
I think some people think I am trying to be an instructor, which I am so not.. I do however, enjoy showing people the lay out RLAP excecise for them to use at their convienience. If they would like me to hang around, I am all for that, and enjoy helping.
I only wish something like this was here for me when I was learning how to ride. Heck, I am still learnig how to ride.. I am so looking forward to Motor Officer, Dave Hay to teach me a few things, or should I say a lot of things. When Doc and Motorman, come out here, he will know all the teaching he showed me did not perish!!
I am looking forward to a couple days away from the parking lot, but also looking forward to getting back at it!
Tomorrow I am going to Courtenay to meet a bunch from CMC, OR SCRC who ever shows up in Courtenay to go where ever... Gotta love that!
No problem Flo.. Once the lights go on, it happens every time... go in, lean, friction, brake, throttle, sit at front of seat, relax shoulders, snap your head.. It'll come naturally eventually. She told me when she did... Florida lit up... I told her when I get it... Vancouver Island will light up... Well right now we keep having power outages. Flickers... More lights than not, so that is a good thing.
That parking lot is a amazing, no one there but me at 8 am... No one there, but me at 5:15... Okay a couple leaving the lot and looking at me, and shaking their head, like Im nutz..
Now usually ol faithfull Ram is there with me, but it is Friday night, so I was on my own. I only hung around for an hour.. My shoulders feel like I been liftin weight these days, so it is time to take a brake.
I haven't put much milage on this week since I have dedicated myself to the parking lot. But I sure am tired at the end of the day, like I been riding for 8 hours.
I heard some negative feedback about what I was doing. About the parking lot stuff, and the RLAP. It kinda breaks my heart in away.. It was from apparently some supposedly good friends of mine. I have been feeling like maybe they werent friends for the last couple of season. I have been fighting it in my mind. Thinking I was imagining things. But today proved it.. Because the person that was telling me, had no idea of any tension between us. So it just proves I do have a pretty good judge of character. I always want to believe the best, but now I know my feelings were true.
If someone doesn't want to join me or anyone, that is fine, their choice, but bad mouthing is not good. How can anyone, bad mouth a good situation, when it improves the riding skills of many people.
I think some people think I am trying to be an instructor, which I am so not.. I do however, enjoy showing people the lay out RLAP excecise for them to use at their convienience. If they would like me to hang around, I am all for that, and enjoy helping.
I only wish something like this was here for me when I was learning how to ride. Heck, I am still learnig how to ride.. I am so looking forward to Motor Officer, Dave Hay to teach me a few things, or should I say a lot of things. When Doc and Motorman, come out here, he will know all the teaching he showed me did not perish!!
I am looking forward to a couple days away from the parking lot, but also looking forward to getting back at it!
Tomorrow I am going to Courtenay to meet a bunch from CMC, OR SCRC who ever shows up in Courtenay to go where ever... Gotta love that!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Parking lot Thursday
I went to the parking lot for only 1/2 hour before work, that seems to be plenty. why the hell I blow dry my hair before I go to work is beyond, me cause after pratising I look like shit anyway. Good ol helmet hair. I should just leave my do rag on for the ol boys.
After work I went out again, and my buddy Ram, waiting for me.. On the way there, I see Sal , with a big grin on his big bike. He did a lot better tonight than the other day. He is snapping his head in the direction he wants to go and the friction zone is starting to happen. He only hung around for awhile but each little bit helps for the next time.
I was coming out of a practise, and I see another bike... Who's that??? Jippo our Cabana boy... whoo hoo. I showed him, what I could do and how the excercises were laid out. I could feel myself a little sloppy as now, I had an audience of 3.... Telling myself , don't drop it!!
We did a fair bit of visiting instead of riding tonight, but my body was feeling it, so it was fine with me. Sure nice to see him out there, even if he was just coming by to say he couldn't stay as dinner is ready.
I did convince him to take a shot at it... He did and he did great!! Even the figure 8 which is pretty hard to master. He went away smiling that is for sure and agreed this had to be done...HTBD!
My brother called me to say that Dave Hay a Motor Officer wanted to talke to me about what I was doing, and the RLAP. I had great conversation with him and he thinks it is great to have the lot there. He is going to come out one night with us. He also teaches classes on how to ride, and wants to do that as a full time job after he retires from the force.
I feel very fortunate to have him involved, and he is going to come on to VILR to get to know us all and come help.
Also he wants to talk to the Palladinos and possibly do something. Inform them of what it involves for and American to come and teach over here, like we have been planning.
I am very excited about the next step of the RLAP, and helping people improve their riding skills, my self included as I am by far a pro.... Just have the desire to ride like one.
After work I went out again, and my buddy Ram, waiting for me.. On the way there, I see Sal , with a big grin on his big bike. He did a lot better tonight than the other day. He is snapping his head in the direction he wants to go and the friction zone is starting to happen. He only hung around for awhile but each little bit helps for the next time.
I was coming out of a practise, and I see another bike... Who's that??? Jippo our Cabana boy... whoo hoo. I showed him, what I could do and how the excercises were laid out. I could feel myself a little sloppy as now, I had an audience of 3.... Telling myself , don't drop it!!
We did a fair bit of visiting instead of riding tonight, but my body was feeling it, so it was fine with me. Sure nice to see him out there, even if he was just coming by to say he couldn't stay as dinner is ready.
I did convince him to take a shot at it... He did and he did great!! Even the figure 8 which is pretty hard to master. He went away smiling that is for sure and agreed this had to be done...HTBD!
My brother called me to say that Dave Hay a Motor Officer wanted to talke to me about what I was doing, and the RLAP. I had great conversation with him and he thinks it is great to have the lot there. He is going to come out one night with us. He also teaches classes on how to ride, and wants to do that as a full time job after he retires from the force.
I feel very fortunate to have him involved, and he is going to come on to VILR to get to know us all and come help.
Also he wants to talk to the Palladinos and possibly do something. Inform them of what it involves for and American to come and teach over here, like we have been planning.
I am very excited about the next step of the RLAP, and helping people improve their riding skills, my self included as I am by far a pro.... Just have the desire to ride like one.
Wednesday Practise Parking lot.
Wednesday morning, I got to the parking lot for another half hour before work. The parking lot is always empty, and cool in the morning. Feeling refreshed, I always seem to do better.
I went again, after work at 5:15, things are feeling better each time. My body feels like I am getting a darn good work out that is for sure. Whipping around in the intersection you can really feel it.
Ram, good ol faithful who can't even ride yet because his ankle still hurts came out to egg me on and give me support.
He told me, I am about 1/2 inch from scrapping my floor boards.. That i am cutting my figure 8 down at least a good foot and 1/2. I am feeling it, like I am almost smiling doing it.. Doing the dip dance, I call it!! Once you get the throttle in the right position with the friction zone, smooth sailing. That road queen knows where she is going.
Later a couple showed up, that I knew at the other end of the parking lot. He was teaching his wife how to ride. I thought at first they were coming over to say hello, but didin't so I continued on to the slow cone weave. I am always nervous when I have an audience of any kind, and I wasn't feeling really comfortable. So, what happens.....yup, Drop it!! The only good thing is I picked it up in 3 seconds not 4...lol I don't even say those nasty words any more, just pick it up, get on, and git er done!
Ram got a chuckle out of that, says you dont even flinch when the bike goes down any more.. Hey, it is all a part of the learning. One day... one day....it will stop happening.
I practised for a couple hours, too pooped to pop and went home to bed. Crashed before dark!!
I went again, after work at 5:15, things are feeling better each time. My body feels like I am getting a darn good work out that is for sure. Whipping around in the intersection you can really feel it.
Ram, good ol faithful who can't even ride yet because his ankle still hurts came out to egg me on and give me support.
He told me, I am about 1/2 inch from scrapping my floor boards.. That i am cutting my figure 8 down at least a good foot and 1/2. I am feeling it, like I am almost smiling doing it.. Doing the dip dance, I call it!! Once you get the throttle in the right position with the friction zone, smooth sailing. That road queen knows where she is going.
Later a couple showed up, that I knew at the other end of the parking lot. He was teaching his wife how to ride. I thought at first they were coming over to say hello, but didin't so I continued on to the slow cone weave. I am always nervous when I have an audience of any kind, and I wasn't feeling really comfortable. So, what happens.....yup, Drop it!! The only good thing is I picked it up in 3 seconds not 4...lol I don't even say those nasty words any more, just pick it up, get on, and git er done!
Ram got a chuckle out of that, says you dont even flinch when the bike goes down any more.. Hey, it is all a part of the learning. One day... one day....it will stop happening.
I practised for a couple hours, too pooped to pop and went home to bed. Crashed before dark!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday Parking lot-Tazzie Passes Road Test
I was to meet Tazzie in Courtenay at 1:30 as her road test was at 3:30 and we were going to go out and practise a bit, and just take it easy, so she would be relaxed for the road test.
I was to meet Sol again in the morning and possibly Dr.Ruth.
Sol showed, Dr. Ruth went shopping...lol
He brought his smaller bike and did alot better. We are taking MOTORMAN'S advice, do not move on to the next exercise until you get the first one down. He said for about an hour and had a big improvement.
I hung around for a couple more hours in my own little world.. Crikey there's that trucker again.. Okay I see him watching. On the truck it is a driving school.
On my little break I parked beside him again, and asked him if he was the student or the teacher. He said the teacher. He said to me, hey, you are riding really good. Im like... Gee thanks... do you teach motorcycles too? He said yes, and I have to say you are good.. I said wow, you just made my day. So I could tell my friends, that an instructor said, I was riding good?? His response, was NO... you can tell him, I said VERY VERY GOOD..
Of course I had to tell him all about RIDE LIKE A PRO and the Conga, and he was very interested. He asked to see one, and bought one up right away.
I told him my dream was to become an instructor, and he said I would ace it!! Said that Campbell River needs a good instructor! Said, it seems to be your passion, so you should go with the flo and do it!!
I couldn't stop thinking about it all the way to Courtenay to meet Tazzie. We rode around town Courtenay and was taking her on the route that I remembered and of course making sure we drove through a couple of those two way left hand turns , that threw her off last week, and I remember them throwing me off in school.
It was time for the u-turn and it was a quiet street, so off I went and she followed, and I looked in the mirror and saw her on the ground and the bike down too... yikers, I ran back, picked it up, and off we went. I remember Rod being like that, don't lt them time to wimp over shit, get er don...Not that Tazzie is a wimp, but didn't want to give her time to dwell on it before the test.
Off she went to do her test and there was Wendy, Rod Wisemans wife. My instructor of teaching me how to ride. Wendy and I have become a little close these days since the Conga. She found out I had raised some money in memory of her husband on my journey and that there will be a memorial ride for him Aug 3rd and I have helped to pass the word.
She told me how grateful she was and even if a couple bikers show up it would make her day.
We got to talking about my next goal in life to become and instructor.. I said to her, Wouldn't Rod be smiling now? She said he is!! She told me she would probably hire me..
She said she is going to Florida to visit her mom and wants to take the RLAP course and meet Donna and Jerry Palladino.
What a small world we live in really!! I said wait, I will go do it with you!! But apparently when I go would be her busy time.
Also she said she had not been out riding since Rod's passing other than the courses she teaches. To give her a call. I told her that I am always out riding out with a great bunch of people, and to come join us. I told her she would see after the memorial and would probably look forward to doing it in the near future.
Tazzie aced the test, as I knew she would. We got together with Dr. Ruth and BigE and rode her back to Qualicum Beach for a bite. She couldn't wipe the grin off her face and had to keep reminding herself to shut her gob, so she wouldn't be eating bugs.. Good on ya Taz
Great ride again, got home at 9 pm, a long day but a good one.
I was to meet Sol again in the morning and possibly Dr.Ruth.
Sol showed, Dr. Ruth went shopping...lol
He brought his smaller bike and did alot better. We are taking MOTORMAN'S advice, do not move on to the next exercise until you get the first one down. He said for about an hour and had a big improvement.
I hung around for a couple more hours in my own little world.. Crikey there's that trucker again.. Okay I see him watching. On the truck it is a driving school.
On my little break I parked beside him again, and asked him if he was the student or the teacher. He said the teacher. He said to me, hey, you are riding really good. Im like... Gee thanks... do you teach motorcycles too? He said yes, and I have to say you are good.. I said wow, you just made my day. So I could tell my friends, that an instructor said, I was riding good?? His response, was NO... you can tell him, I said VERY VERY GOOD..
Of course I had to tell him all about RIDE LIKE A PRO and the Conga, and he was very interested. He asked to see one, and bought one up right away.
I told him my dream was to become an instructor, and he said I would ace it!! Said that Campbell River needs a good instructor! Said, it seems to be your passion, so you should go with the flo and do it!!
I couldn't stop thinking about it all the way to Courtenay to meet Tazzie. We rode around town Courtenay and was taking her on the route that I remembered and of course making sure we drove through a couple of those two way left hand turns , that threw her off last week, and I remember them throwing me off in school.
It was time for the u-turn and it was a quiet street, so off I went and she followed, and I looked in the mirror and saw her on the ground and the bike down too... yikers, I ran back, picked it up, and off we went. I remember Rod being like that, don't lt them time to wimp over shit, get er don...Not that Tazzie is a wimp, but didn't want to give her time to dwell on it before the test.
Off she went to do her test and there was Wendy, Rod Wisemans wife. My instructor of teaching me how to ride. Wendy and I have become a little close these days since the Conga. She found out I had raised some money in memory of her husband on my journey and that there will be a memorial ride for him Aug 3rd and I have helped to pass the word.
She told me how grateful she was and even if a couple bikers show up it would make her day.
We got to talking about my next goal in life to become and instructor.. I said to her, Wouldn't Rod be smiling now? She said he is!! She told me she would probably hire me..
She said she is going to Florida to visit her mom and wants to take the RLAP course and meet Donna and Jerry Palladino.
What a small world we live in really!! I said wait, I will go do it with you!! But apparently when I go would be her busy time.
Also she said she had not been out riding since Rod's passing other than the courses she teaches. To give her a call. I told her that I am always out riding out with a great bunch of people, and to come join us. I told her she would see after the memorial and would probably look forward to doing it in the near future.
Tazzie aced the test, as I knew she would. We got together with Dr. Ruth and BigE and rode her back to Qualicum Beach for a bite. She couldn't wipe the grin off her face and had to keep reminding herself to shut her gob, so she wouldn't be eating bugs.. Good on ya Taz
Great ride again, got home at 9 pm, a long day but a good one.
Monday Day 2 in Parkinglot
I just couldn't wait to get back on the lot!! I had to work today but zipped over to the parking lot for an hour before work.
I put the bike down on the slow cone weave... I looked up and there wasn't a sole to be seen, not that I really gave a shit, or needed anyone to help me pick it up anymore. Shit, no one has more experience than me. I picked it up, got back on it and remembered what I had done wrong..
I wasn't in the friction zone. I continued to practise and was feeling good.
There was a big truck and trailer, I could tell were watching me by this time . I decided to NOT look there, as I would end up going that direction and I wanted to just concentrate on doing it right
You have to give the bike a rest once in a while and give it a little run so you don't burn the clutch out. So when I went to do that, he gave me a thumbs up. I just smiled!
Went back to practising and along comes a taxi with a a familiar face. He says "What are you doing?" I explain that I am just practising, and he says ..."Why" I told him, I just wanted to improve my skills.. He said well that looks pretty darn easy. So, I told him to come out and try it some time, either by himself or with me. I told him when I would be here.
He showed up, so did Ruthie and Sol and also Ram, even though he couldn't ride himself with his injured ankle.
When Sol came, I was a tad worried because the bike he had was new, and big, and he has a leg that doesn't work to well. He got out there and tried, and it was not going easy.. He did appreciate when I helped and reminded him to keep looking up and to snap his head, to look where he wants to go.
Ruthie who has the same big as BigE was having struggles too. Something about the clutch. She was really starting to get it by the time she left on how important the friction zone is and snapping that head as you are about to turn. And oh, lets not forget the dip.
Oh yes... the cab driver...lol....lets put it this way, it was so not as easy as he thought!!
Actually, it I believe it is finding the friction zone on your own ride. Once it is figured, it all comes easy. We all think we know the friction zone as we use it in every day riding. I never completed understood it until I did these slow maneuver riding at a continues speed smoothing it out.
I think I have learned my lesson when some one asks me to try their bike to see if it is them or the bike I will not do it.. I had a spill on Sol's bike. He was also very good about it as it was his idea.
What I do know is... I picked that sucker up in 4 seconds!! he was impressed!
I put the bike down on the slow cone weave... I looked up and there wasn't a sole to be seen, not that I really gave a shit, or needed anyone to help me pick it up anymore. Shit, no one has more experience than me. I picked it up, got back on it and remembered what I had done wrong..
I wasn't in the friction zone. I continued to practise and was feeling good.
There was a big truck and trailer, I could tell were watching me by this time . I decided to NOT look there, as I would end up going that direction and I wanted to just concentrate on doing it right
You have to give the bike a rest once in a while and give it a little run so you don't burn the clutch out. So when I went to do that, he gave me a thumbs up. I just smiled!
Went back to practising and along comes a taxi with a a familiar face. He says "What are you doing?" I explain that I am just practising, and he says ..."Why" I told him, I just wanted to improve my skills.. He said well that looks pretty darn easy. So, I told him to come out and try it some time, either by himself or with me. I told him when I would be here.
He showed up, so did Ruthie and Sol and also Ram, even though he couldn't ride himself with his injured ankle.
When Sol came, I was a tad worried because the bike he had was new, and big, and he has a leg that doesn't work to well. He got out there and tried, and it was not going easy.. He did appreciate when I helped and reminded him to keep looking up and to snap his head, to look where he wants to go.
Ruthie who has the same big as BigE was having struggles too. Something about the clutch. She was really starting to get it by the time she left on how important the friction zone is and snapping that head as you are about to turn. And oh, lets not forget the dip.
Oh yes... the cab driver...lol....lets put it this way, it was so not as easy as he thought!!
Actually, it I believe it is finding the friction zone on your own ride. Once it is figured, it all comes easy. We all think we know the friction zone as we use it in every day riding. I never completed understood it until I did these slow maneuver riding at a continues speed smoothing it out.
I think I have learned my lesson when some one asks me to try their bike to see if it is them or the bike I will not do it.. I had a spill on Sol's bike. He was also very good about it as it was his idea.
What I do know is... I picked that sucker up in 4 seconds!! he was impressed!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday morning about 10 am our new Cabana boy RAM and my bro BigE, and me went to the parking lot. I bought 20 hockey balls, couple cans of paint, and some chalk and a measuring tape. We measured out the exact measurements of RLAP exercises. I was so excited and couldn't wait to trying it out! It is fabulous having it right here in Campbell River and I look forward to using it ever day and hopefully many others will come out and use it too. Hopefully it will bring all clubs or non clubs to come out and get to know each other and help each other out.
I don't make out to be an instructor of any kind, although that is my dream to be able to do that. I have found that dreams do come true. What I have learned is that we ALL need to improve our skills and do it on a regular basis to keep what we have. Anyone can go riding down the highway at regular or high speeds, but it the tight turns and slow maneuvering that are the toughest.
After it was all finished, I ran through every exercise to show the boys how it worked. I really sucked at it. Probably cause I had asked E to video me. After a few hours of practise it was coming along great!! I was starting to really feel more confident and like I knew what I was doing. I was finding the friction zone!!!
Ram was doing fantastic on his Gold Wing. Of course I was doing the yelling... SNAP!! look UP! SNAP...LOOK AT ME!! All the things they do in the real course.
I felt really bad for E as he was having really lots of trouble on my X Blinga. With the arthritis in his hand and the tough clutch, he just wasn't having luck on any exercise. Really getting all chocked up. I felt for him, as wow, I know the feeling. Until you finally start getting it... You think you never will and we are always so hard on our self. So we ended putting the slow cone weave to 14 ft instead of 12. He started to do better, especially when I was yelling at him...lol
Ram was doing superb, almost looked like he had done it all before on a regular basis.. although he did do better to look up and snap his head when I was yelling it at him. The Rotters, they want me to yell at them, but for some reason, can't yell at me.
Big E still having trouble, so we decided to get Ram to try his bike. I tried riding it and along she was my bike for 3 years, she sure the hell didn't feel like it anymore. I really felt for him now. Seems the clutch is so different.
Any way things were going, but not that great! The good thing was that we figured out it wasn't just Eric, because the bike went down. Ram felt terrible and also hurt his ankle. I know he felt worse about the bike, but Eric just said, not to worry you are okay the highway bars were already damaged from Flo years ago. He said he felt better actually.
It has made me realize how smooth the Harley is to the VTX in handling twisties and leans.
Eric followed Ram home to make sure he was going to be okay on the bike alone and I hung around for a couple more hours and went home. Later I came back for another hour.
My goal is to do it with a smile and no fear! When I can do all the exercises with ease and confident and even friction zone, with a smile, I will know I have it..
I think this RLAP exercise will benefit a lot of people. I know it has and will me for sure.
When RIDE LIKE A PRO arrive on Vancouver Island next year... I will be riding like a pro.
The thing you are suppose to do , is stay on the first excercise before moving on to the next. Not that we always follow the rules as you kinda get bored with the same one.
Being as Ram was doing so darn good, we suggested that he try E's bike and see if it were just him, or could it be done. Right away we could see that he was also having trouble finding the friction zone. He was doing the weave but when he went to the other exercises . Lets just say, it was not smooth. Even though he was doing it. I think E was feeling better about that, know it wasn't just him.
Anyway, things proceeded to get a little worse, poor Ram went down on the Blinga. Eric ran over right away to pick up his baby, and of course we were concerned about Ram and told him to just lay there till we knew how bad it was. He right away thought he broke his ankle, as he heard something snap. We gave it some time and figured it was only sprained. He did manage to ride his bike home and E took his daughter on the back.
I stayed and practised a couple more hours. I can' wait until I can feel really good about what I am doing, and
I don't make out to be an instructor of any kind, although that is my dream to be able to do that. I have found that dreams do come true. What I have learned is that we ALL need to improve our skills and do it on a regular basis to keep what we have. Anyone can go riding down the highway at regular or high speeds, but it the tight turns and slow maneuvering that are the toughest.
After it was all finished, I ran through every exercise to show the boys how it worked. I really sucked at it. Probably cause I had asked E to video me. After a few hours of practise it was coming along great!! I was starting to really feel more confident and like I knew what I was doing. I was finding the friction zone!!!
Ram was doing fantastic on his Gold Wing. Of course I was doing the yelling... SNAP!! look UP! SNAP...LOOK AT ME!! All the things they do in the real course.
I felt really bad for E as he was having really lots of trouble on my X Blinga. With the arthritis in his hand and the tough clutch, he just wasn't having luck on any exercise. Really getting all chocked up. I felt for him, as wow, I know the feeling. Until you finally start getting it... You think you never will and we are always so hard on our self. So we ended putting the slow cone weave to 14 ft instead of 12. He started to do better, especially when I was yelling at him...lol
Ram was doing superb, almost looked like he had done it all before on a regular basis.. although he did do better to look up and snap his head when I was yelling it at him. The Rotters, they want me to yell at them, but for some reason, can't yell at me.
Big E still having trouble, so we decided to get Ram to try his bike. I tried riding it and along she was my bike for 3 years, she sure the hell didn't feel like it anymore. I really felt for him now. Seems the clutch is so different.
Any way things were going, but not that great! The good thing was that we figured out it wasn't just Eric, because the bike went down. Ram felt terrible and also hurt his ankle. I know he felt worse about the bike, but Eric just said, not to worry you are okay the highway bars were already damaged from Flo years ago. He said he felt better actually.
It has made me realize how smooth the Harley is to the VTX in handling twisties and leans.
Eric followed Ram home to make sure he was going to be okay on the bike alone and I hung around for a couple more hours and went home. Later I came back for another hour.
My goal is to do it with a smile and no fear! When I can do all the exercises with ease and confident and even friction zone, with a smile, I will know I have it..
I think this RLAP exercise will benefit a lot of people. I know it has and will me for sure.
When RIDE LIKE A PRO arrive on Vancouver Island next year... I will be riding like a pro.
The thing you are suppose to do , is stay on the first excercise before moving on to the next. Not that we always follow the rules as you kinda get bored with the same one.
Being as Ram was doing so darn good, we suggested that he try E's bike and see if it were just him, or could it be done. Right away we could see that he was also having trouble finding the friction zone. He was doing the weave but when he went to the other exercises . Lets just say, it was not smooth. Even though he was doing it. I think E was feeling better about that, know it wasn't just him.
Anyway, things proceeded to get a little worse, poor Ram went down on the Blinga. Eric ran over right away to pick up his baby, and of course we were concerned about Ram and told him to just lay there till we knew how bad it was. He right away thought he broke his ankle, as he heard something snap. We gave it some time and figured it was only sprained. He did manage to ride his bike home and E took his daughter on the back.
I stayed and practised a couple more hours. I can' wait until I can feel really good about what I am doing, and
Sunday, July 20, 2008
That is my goal!!! For RIDE LIKE A PRO, DONNA AND JERRY PALLADINO to come to Vancouver Island and show their stuff. Everyone knows by now how much they mean to me and how their skills have helped me travel across the USA.. Helping me every step of the way...
There is alot of interest happening around the Island for them to come here. I did a pole on my forum, and then I did a sign up, and in 2 days we almost have enough people. We are so fortunate to even have them on our Lady Riders forum.. We are all honored!!
There are still people away right now, that don't even know about it.. I talked to Doc and we decided that it may or may not happen this year, but next for sure.. ha... I am thinking maybe every year~~Selling of their DVD'S is going well!!
Hell who knows ya may even have a Franchise on Vancouver Island one day!! Anything is possible if you want it bad enough I have found! Good luck to us!!!!
There is alot of interest happening around the Island for them to come here. I did a pole on my forum, and then I did a sign up, and in 2 days we almost have enough people. We are so fortunate to even have them on our Lady Riders forum.. We are all honored!!
There are still people away right now, that don't even know about it.. I talked to Doc and we decided that it may or may not happen this year, but next for sure.. ha... I am thinking maybe every year~~Selling of their DVD'S is going well!!
Hell who knows ya may even have a Franchise on Vancouver Island one day!! Anything is possible if you want it bad enough I have found! Good luck to us!!!!


Just another impromt not really planned ride to the Hut!!! In Qualicum. One never knows, who will be there and who wont. Seems every day there is a new person to meet. Me and BigE were suppose to go and meet a couple people in Courtenay. Bro's bike, that X of mine, was being charge up, as he killed the battery when he ran out of gas.
So off I go to meet whoever may be there at the Chevron... One little pit stop at the leather place to pick up my US VEST!! One of my Conga girlfriends who never rode in person with me sent it , from Nova Scotia.... That'd be, Mz TequilaSheila... it sure looks nice, and as soon as I get my pins back on it. I will be posting a pic. Hey Sheila if you are ready this... Thanks again. love ya!!
Oh ya, still time for one more little pit stop.. CMS Courtenay Motor Sports...I needed to talk to the manager about taking some RLAP dvd's and to ask him if he would like to Sponser them if I could get them to Vancouver Island..I walk in, and the little cuties says.... Hey Killer, how's it going???? Kevin is a great guy, young new father and the manager of his dad's store... Honda for all of those who may not know..
Any ways he says to me, how many ya got with ya? how's 10 for a start??? Yup, give me 10...now don't forget to spread the word, that they are available here.. You betcha and oh...one more thing, I need a favor Kevin, I am looking for a sponser for them if I can get them over here.. I want you!! What's that involve Killer???
Big grin on my face.... Not sure for sure yet, cuz i think it's gonna be big, once the ball get rolling.. But what I do know, is we need a couple of really nice hot bikes for a few days...And of course it wll be known who the sponser is and there will be more Kev..
You got it!!! We shall talk!!! Whooo hooo!!! So I still had 6 dvd's in my saddle bag to get me through the day...Ha!!! I walk into the parking lot to get going, this guys walks up to me and says....Just gotta tell ya...that is one sweet ride. Never saw one like that around here before, where ya from... So long story short, in about 3 minutes, I told him of the Conga and the class sold him a dvd, and off I went!!!
No one was there yet, with time to spare and I was late!! Wew...did I give the right time??? Just when I was looking up Fancypant's number in she rode, along, came me other brother Blingo and Coach. Carl's like...where me bro, I just laughed and said he is not a true biker yet!!! his battery is still dead, dont ya think he would have checked it early knowing he was going..WHATEVER!!
Flo decides to take the lead.. I don't like road leading!! Nope, it aint for me.. I would rather yell at ya in a parking lot...lol
Anyway we get to the Courtenay bridge and they are all behind me, and I should have switched into the right hand lane, as they did. When I got to the lights... it turne yellow so they went through with out me. I look to my left and there are 3 Harleys... I smiled and said..Woops, wrong gang!! One guy smile, and said, I would say, the right gang, the rest of them were not Harleys...lol
So we all took off together and my gang was waiting for me on the side of the road, I just smiled and took off witht the new gang!! So for awhile there were 7 of us... Course I went a little faster to keep up with the new boys... Blingo not gonna be happy with sis!! I knew ol Fancypants was thinking, I would the same ifin I was her..
We actually rode all the way to Qualicum with them and the PA crew were all there!! Plus Tazz from Ladysmith of course.
Always a great time seeing everyone, and I finally met THE DON!
Acutally first time I got to meet Ram also our newest Cabana boy right here in Campbell River.
We hung around, ate , drank and waited for bigE, he was determined to ride with us after all. He jump started his bike.. daaa, now he is thinking. Poor boy, he thinks he is going to miss out and he would!!
Dogdrifter, took us down the back twisties of parksville, I believe it was called Scooner Cove!
I believe there was 12 bikes. What a pretty site, and BigE the single Cabana boy always up there in front with the goils... Well maybe it is because he is a newbie!!
Everyone parted their ways, and Dr.Ruth, Fancypants, Ram, BigE, and me headed back our way. Dr.Ruth and Ram rode to the parking lot to check it out, where I want to do the practising. I know for sure, I have convince Ram, that practise is good, and so is he.. he is going to help set it up today actually and we are going to have regular practises. Once we get descent at it and know what we are doing, we will get folks out.
What a great day, got in a 8pm, from 10 am this morning. I could have continued... I love RLAP!!
So off I go to meet whoever may be there at the Chevron... One little pit stop at the leather place to pick up my US VEST!! One of my Conga girlfriends who never rode in person with me sent it , from Nova Scotia.... That'd be, Mz TequilaSheila... it sure looks nice, and as soon as I get my pins back on it. I will be posting a pic. Hey Sheila if you are ready this... Thanks again. love ya!!
Oh ya, still time for one more little pit stop.. CMS Courtenay Motor Sports...I needed to talk to the manager about taking some RLAP dvd's and to ask him if he would like to Sponser them if I could get them to Vancouver Island..I walk in, and the little cuties says.... Hey Killer, how's it going???? Kevin is a great guy, young new father and the manager of his dad's store... Honda for all of those who may not know..
Any ways he says to me, how many ya got with ya? how's 10 for a start??? Yup, give me 10...now don't forget to spread the word, that they are available here.. You betcha and oh...one more thing, I need a favor Kevin, I am looking for a sponser for them if I can get them over here.. I want you!! What's that involve Killer???
Big grin on my face.... Not sure for sure yet, cuz i think it's gonna be big, once the ball get rolling.. But what I do know, is we need a couple of really nice hot bikes for a few days...And of course it wll be known who the sponser is and there will be more Kev..
You got it!!! We shall talk!!! Whooo hooo!!! So I still had 6 dvd's in my saddle bag to get me through the day...Ha!!! I walk into the parking lot to get going, this guys walks up to me and says....Just gotta tell ya...that is one sweet ride. Never saw one like that around here before, where ya from... So long story short, in about 3 minutes, I told him of the Conga and the class sold him a dvd, and off I went!!!
No one was there yet, with time to spare and I was late!! Wew...did I give the right time??? Just when I was looking up Fancypant's number in she rode, along, came me other brother Blingo and Coach. Carl's like...where me bro, I just laughed and said he is not a true biker yet!!! his battery is still dead, dont ya think he would have checked it early knowing he was going..WHATEVER!!
Flo decides to take the lead.. I don't like road leading!! Nope, it aint for me.. I would rather yell at ya in a parking lot...lol
Anyway we get to the Courtenay bridge and they are all behind me, and I should have switched into the right hand lane, as they did. When I got to the lights... it turne yellow so they went through with out me. I look to my left and there are 3 Harleys... I smiled and said..Woops, wrong gang!! One guy smile, and said, I would say, the right gang, the rest of them were not Harleys...lol
So we all took off together and my gang was waiting for me on the side of the road, I just smiled and took off witht the new gang!! So for awhile there were 7 of us... Course I went a little faster to keep up with the new boys... Blingo not gonna be happy with sis!! I knew ol Fancypants was thinking, I would the same ifin I was her..
We actually rode all the way to Qualicum with them and the PA crew were all there!! Plus Tazz from Ladysmith of course.
Always a great time seeing everyone, and I finally met THE DON!
Acutally first time I got to meet Ram also our newest Cabana boy right here in Campbell River.
We hung around, ate , drank and waited for bigE, he was determined to ride with us after all. He jump started his bike.. daaa, now he is thinking. Poor boy, he thinks he is going to miss out and he would!!
Dogdrifter, took us down the back twisties of parksville, I believe it was called Scooner Cove!
I believe there was 12 bikes. What a pretty site, and BigE the single Cabana boy always up there in front with the goils... Well maybe it is because he is a newbie!!
Everyone parted their ways, and Dr.Ruth, Fancypants, Ram, BigE, and me headed back our way. Dr.Ruth and Ram rode to the parking lot to check it out, where I want to do the practising. I know for sure, I have convince Ram, that practise is good, and so is he.. he is going to help set it up today actually and we are going to have regular practises. Once we get descent at it and know what we are doing, we will get folks out.
What a great day, got in a 8pm, from 10 am this morning. I could have continued... I love RLAP!!
Whew! Sometimes I feel like I am still doing the Conga and in away I am. Im doing the Conga up and down the Island. It was pretty funny yesterday. I met this new Cabana boy and he live right here in Campbell River. He says to me, now Flo, I gotta ask you.... I followed you all the way home from Florida and you always talked about the Conga.... "What state was that in?"I got a chuckle out that! I think he was having a Flobe moment! I said the Conga my dear friend was all across the USA!! What ever state you want it to be in. Of cours I eplained where the word Conga came from and he got a good Chuckle... Oh you girls!!
Okay so after not doing the pratctise too well in Port Alberni, I came home in search of a good parking lot. I am bound and determined to be good at this. And not just one time. I want to help teach one day, that's my goal.
I value what I have learned from Motorman and Donnathe Doc and want to share what I know even if I can't do it perfect. I know I will be going back every year if I can swing it and do the Conga across the USA in a different way.
Anyway. We go to find a parking lot behind the Motor vehicle branch. They already got the dots set up for the slow cone weave.
I was thrilled. Convince me bro to go shopping with me to find either pylons or tennis balls and get started.
We found these hockey balls, cut them in have and they work better than the tennis balls, and they are floresant pink. Hardly move when you run over them. Okay so here I am doing the little relaxing thing, Motorman told me to do.. Close my eyes and imagine how pretty it will look if I just breezed threw those balls, swaying from one side to the other. I did it and it worked. Whoo hoo!!
Okay so along comes this guy, and a couple of woman pull up beside us... I say hi!! I'm Flo, would you like to practise with us??
This arogant guy, frowns at me and say... Either that or I'll kick you off!! Okays so, now I'm not feeling it here with this jerk. He says... my wife has come to practise she is going to be doing her road test soon. So I say....welcome to join us, and good for you for riding..
He gets of his bike and says..........You are doing it all wrong!! I said no Im not...He say.... Im here to tell ya... You are, and your bike will NOT fit in that space!!!!
Hmmf...the jerk thinks that I am a complete newbie too... let's just let him think that for now!! Of course I don't like him by now and I am feelin sorry for the 2 newbie ladys that will have to train under him. So I bring out the dvd OF COURSE.. Whats'that he said, so I explain, he goes....Well that is Florida!! Im like oh ya... ya think they ride different in Florida?? I could see the woman wanted to buy one, but was afraid of this jerk!
I said hey, you guys, just let me see if my bike will go through these balls and then you can have the space, I can move my balls anywhere, especially your wife she needs to get some good practise.
I thought about what MM had said.........oh man.... I swayed through them balls like I really knew what I was doing!
Came back and said....hmmm I guess my bike isnt to big after all with a smile of cours... saying ya sure you wouldnt like to purchase a dvd... He says... Lady I been riding for 40 years.... I say man, you are the one that needs it the most probably!!!
I told him ya know how they say so good, they practise buddy! he was out there... By now!!!
Okay so after not doing the pratctise too well in Port Alberni, I came home in search of a good parking lot. I am bound and determined to be good at this. And not just one time. I want to help teach one day, that's my goal.
I value what I have learned from Motorman and Donnathe Doc and want to share what I know even if I can't do it perfect. I know I will be going back every year if I can swing it and do the Conga across the USA in a different way.
Anyway. We go to find a parking lot behind the Motor vehicle branch. They already got the dots set up for the slow cone weave.
I was thrilled. Convince me bro to go shopping with me to find either pylons or tennis balls and get started.
We found these hockey balls, cut them in have and they work better than the tennis balls, and they are floresant pink. Hardly move when you run over them. Okay so here I am doing the little relaxing thing, Motorman told me to do.. Close my eyes and imagine how pretty it will look if I just breezed threw those balls, swaying from one side to the other. I did it and it worked. Whoo hoo!!
Okay so along comes this guy, and a couple of woman pull up beside us... I say hi!! I'm Flo, would you like to practise with us??
This arogant guy, frowns at me and say... Either that or I'll kick you off!! Okays so, now I'm not feeling it here with this jerk. He says... my wife has come to practise she is going to be doing her road test soon. So I say....welcome to join us, and good for you for riding..
He gets of his bike and says..........You are doing it all wrong!! I said no Im not...He say.... Im here to tell ya... You are, and your bike will NOT fit in that space!!!!
Hmmf...the jerk thinks that I am a complete newbie too... let's just let him think that for now!! Of course I don't like him by now and I am feelin sorry for the 2 newbie ladys that will have to train under him. So I bring out the dvd OF COURSE.. Whats'that he said, so I explain, he goes....Well that is Florida!! Im like oh ya... ya think they ride different in Florida?? I could see the woman wanted to buy one, but was afraid of this jerk!
I said hey, you guys, just let me see if my bike will go through these balls and then you can have the space, I can move my balls anywhere, especially your wife she needs to get some good practise.
I thought about what MM had said.........oh man.... I swayed through them balls like I really knew what I was doing!
Came back and said....hmmm I guess my bike isnt to big after all with a smile of cours... saying ya sure you wouldnt like to purchase a dvd... He says... Lady I been riding for 40 years.... I say man, you are the one that needs it the most probably!!!
I told him ya know how they say so good, they practise buddy! he was out there... By now!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
RLAP Practise in Port Alberni
Since we did the RLAP practise in PA, last weekend I couldn't wait to get back and practise again. I showed Motorman my figure 8 video, which I thought I was doing pretty good. This is how he resoponded..........
What happened Flo?? you did it here in Florida, you got enough space under your floor boards for the average size person to camp under. Oh yah, the figure 8 is so big, that you are taking up part of the US soil!! You have to know Motorman like I do in other words you need to get out there and practise some more.
I got a good pep talk from my buddy Doc, and I couldn't wait to get to PA and have myself re-taped and send it to them with my better firgure 8.
I hussled down the slab(freeway) after closing the shop early so I could get there at 6. I was going about 80miles per hour.. Nothing enjoyable about that really for more than a couple miles. I really don't like taking the freeway.
Was not sure how I was going to find the parking lot, but I would some how. Luckily a couple of the gals were watching for me and we got there on time.
I was feeling confident a little exhausted but ready to practise. My first mistake never be to confident and think about what you are doing before you do it..
Don't forget your Dip!! Crikey I couldn't even do the slow cone weave., with out running them all over and just about putting the bike down. Okay I am not off to a good start, it will get better!! I could go down one side but not the other. I did it numerous times, and said I just dont get it..
I move over to the off set cones and it did feeling alot better, but new I had to lean more and it just was happening. Oh well I smoothed it out, never dropped it once there. Can't wait to hear the floor boards scraping once in awhile.
We had a great turn out for the practise, even Taz and Vulc came up from Ladysmith.
I went over to the do the dreaded figure 8 and there is where I dropped it twice. I know now why sot that is the main thing. I need to dip first and take the circles wider until I feel comfy and then start narrowing them down.
I find ou later the reason I could not do the cones the other way back was because they were 2 feet closer.... grrrrrrr!!
It was a great time, even though I drop the Queen 4 times. I don't even think about the pick up any more just up she goes.
So I was having an off day... I rode home at full speed freezing and tired. thinking about what I had done all the way home. Why o why was I having such a hard time, when I aced it in Florida...
Because I was trying to damn hard and wanted to prove I could do better each time not worse.
I have 700 miles on since Monday this is Thursday!
I have been home 6 weeks from the Conga and I know have 10,000 miles on the Queen. Still dropping... I hadn't dropped since DEATH VALLEY!
The crew in PA are totally awesome gang, supportive, helful, hilarious!! I wanna move to Port ;)
What happened Flo?? you did it here in Florida, you got enough space under your floor boards for the average size person to camp under. Oh yah, the figure 8 is so big, that you are taking up part of the US soil!! You have to know Motorman like I do in other words you need to get out there and practise some more.
I got a good pep talk from my buddy Doc, and I couldn't wait to get to PA and have myself re-taped and send it to them with my better firgure 8.
I hussled down the slab(freeway) after closing the shop early so I could get there at 6. I was going about 80miles per hour.. Nothing enjoyable about that really for more than a couple miles. I really don't like taking the freeway.
Was not sure how I was going to find the parking lot, but I would some how. Luckily a couple of the gals were watching for me and we got there on time.
I was feeling confident a little exhausted but ready to practise. My first mistake never be to confident and think about what you are doing before you do it..
Don't forget your Dip!! Crikey I couldn't even do the slow cone weave., with out running them all over and just about putting the bike down. Okay I am not off to a good start, it will get better!! I could go down one side but not the other. I did it numerous times, and said I just dont get it..
I move over to the off set cones and it did feeling alot better, but new I had to lean more and it just was happening. Oh well I smoothed it out, never dropped it once there. Can't wait to hear the floor boards scraping once in awhile.
We had a great turn out for the practise, even Taz and Vulc came up from Ladysmith.
I went over to the do the dreaded figure 8 and there is where I dropped it twice. I know now why sot that is the main thing. I need to dip first and take the circles wider until I feel comfy and then start narrowing them down.
I find ou later the reason I could not do the cones the other way back was because they were 2 feet closer.... grrrrrrr!!
It was a great time, even though I drop the Queen 4 times. I don't even think about the pick up any more just up she goes.
So I was having an off day... I rode home at full speed freezing and tired. thinking about what I had done all the way home. Why o why was I having such a hard time, when I aced it in Florida...
Because I was trying to damn hard and wanted to prove I could do better each time not worse.
I have 700 miles on since Monday this is Thursday!
I have been home 6 weeks from the Conga and I know have 10,000 miles on the Queen. Still dropping... I hadn't dropped since DEATH VALLEY!
The crew in PA are totally awesome gang, supportive, helful, hilarious!! I wanna move to Port ;)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Time with Tazzie and her Road Test!
After the day was done Comox stopped to relax and decided we couldn't wait to ride later with the gang as we had done 500 miles in 2 days. Riding fools we are.
Tuesday the Day she was to do her road test. I gave her the vest with S.I.U.P. patch on it. Didn't realize that later that day it was going to have some significance to it. We were just getting ready to Slay Gold River, and hour ride on a windy twistie road in the mountain north of Campbell River. She is looking very happy and she was, along with a little nervousness.
Grizz picked these Guys up from Victoria, they are from California, I can't remember any of their names or should I say who is who. I met Bill, the guy on the right on my forum. I was trying to plan a little Conga from Victoria to CR. Grizz and Ripper, got them to Parksville, where Taz and I met up and escorted them to CR. They were thrilled to have escorts especially out of Victoria. For me it was not only a nice ride, but a little pay back of strangers helping strangers. Crikey am I short or what???
There's Tazzie my girl, that little newbie, fits right in.
I spent 4 days with Tazzie, taking here here there and everywhere. As she was to do her road test on Tuesday. She wanted all the practise she could get so she could ace the test that we were all positive she was going to do.
So we did the ride into PA, and after the girl BFZ weekend and the RLAP excercises, we decided she would come spend a couple days with me.
Monday morning, there was some Californians coming to the Island for the first time, and they contacted me throught the forum. Beings as I just traveled across the USA, with total strangers, I wanted to give back and help these guys be escorted from Victoria to Campbell River and then off to Gold River, which we were planning to ride with them. Tazzie had never been to Gold River either so it was going to be a good experience. Grizz and Ripper got them safely out of Victoria, so they were pretty happy about that. She was nervous and excited at the same time.
As it turned out we got the guys to their campsite, and decided we would do Gold River in the Morning. Our butts were soar, and we were tired and it was late in the day. We tried to tell the guys it was probably one of the nicest roads on the Island and is suppose to be top 10 in B.C. They decided against it and went to Port hardy in the morning.
Taz and I set off to ride Gold River and be back in time for the road test at 1:45. She did absolutely fantastic!! No Fear Taz... ya little devil!! I remember the first time I did it, I was white knuckling both ways. you were calm cold and collected.
We took some pics along the way and videos, hoping we could encourage the Palladinos to come out this way and teach the RLAP.
Anyway got to Courtenay in time and I got her to practise her U-turns a couple times and parallel parking. We were both confident, that she was going to ace it!!! I asked the guy how long she would be and he said 35 minutes and 10 seconds... Do ya think he has done the same route for a long time????
I rode off for awhile, and when I returned, I saw Fancypants standing there with a rose. She came on her lunch time to congratulate Taz for passing. I then looked over at Taz, and her face looked so sad and she was shaking her head.
I felt really bad for her and told her to laugh at herself now, as she will in time, anyway. It will be a story to tell. What would she do if Miram failed hers next week?? Give the same encouraging words.
That couldn't be!!! But the look on her face could not have been faked. Poor darlin, she had a traffic violation and cross a turning lane. Things were not good, tears, frustration, anger set in. Fancypants and I tried to calm her down, and talk her out of it. It took awhile... but finally I said what does it say on your vest???? Suck it up Princess!!
That sorta got her back to norm a bit, and so I said lets go to CMS, as I knew a hug from a couple of our favorite Cabana boys would do the trick. Blingo said go take her for a nice relaxing ride to Comox lake and out to the airbase and come ride with us later.
So that, we did but by the time we got to Comox and looked at the mileage we had done in the day like 250 we were done as we still had to ride home. And that we did... Great four days with the Tasmanian Devil... She will slay the road test this coming Tuesday as she knows where she went wrong.
Jilli/Blingbutt/Chris/Flo/Taz at Taylor Way in Port Alberni
Jilli/Fancypants/Flo/Tazz with long hair going to go do the RLAP DANCE!!
Getting ready to leave the house at 10am to go practise RLAP in the parking lot, that one of our new Cabana Boys Wayne set up. Boy he studied the pamphlet good that Motorman gives out with the DVD. There was about 10 of us. We went through all the excercises and believe me they were not easy. It just goes to prove how important it is to practise and practise often. The are very fortunate up in PA to have it set up for them.
I did the figure 8 which I was feeling pretty good about, but ended up showing MM and I still have along way to go baby!!
I did demonstrate a bike pickup to everyone. At first I thought it was not going to happen, but I eventually got the technique figured out. A few of the gals, Tazzie, Chris, Jen, surprised the heck out of themselves when they actually picked up and 800 lb bike. I think at first even Wayne thought it wasn't going to be possible and was a tad afraid that Flo would and he would. He aced it. I was proud of myself for showing the gals and Wayne how to do it.
My goal is to be as good as DonnatheDoc, even if it takes me a few years. Would I love to give up hair and ride??? Another dream in my life. Better freaking hurry up.. Getting old!
We practised for a couple hours and all had fun, and learned alot... That we need lots of practise!!!
Taz/Jilli/Chris/Blingbutt/Flo went for a nice leisurely ride to Taylor Flats with Jilli leading the way. Port Alberni I have to say is absolutely gorgeous. We met up with Gibby and buddies and headed to Parksville on the way home. There we left everyone.
Tazzie and I headed backto Campbell River, by the time we got home we were exhausted. Monday we had plans to meet with some guys coming to the Island from California that I met on the forum.
A good time was had by all, along with a fantastic dinner that Jilli made us. Chicken breast with green salad and coleslaw.We had a birthday cake for Dragon with a motorcycle on it. The sad part of it all was it was a surprise an she didn't show up. Oh well the cake was good and he party was great. Just amazing how much fun you have with gals you hardly know or just met that night.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Girls Weekend Bra Free Zone
Fancy Pants/Bling Butt aka Jude, took the lead after the boys left us and went to the Tall Ships. We were off to Jilli's to unload our saddlebags and go find some mini pylons for our RLAP workshop, that we planned for Sunday.
Get some cold beer and let the night begin. We got there with out a hitch. The day was a cooker so the Bra's came off immediately. After all, that is why we were going to get comfy, hang out, do some riding and getting to know each other better.

We checked out a couple of stores and couldn't find any so we went into the Bargain store, and low and behold, Dogdrifter, and Bling it on where in there shopping!! We laughed and giggled and talked about when we would meet later.
All of a sudden I saw this long haired wig. I said the the grlz... hey , we should all get some hair for the party!! Before ya knew it we were having our own little party in the Bargain store.


The clerks were laughing at us, and couldn't believe their eyes. All these middle aged bikers trying on all these different colored wigs. We all ended up purchasing one, after trying the assorted colors. The clerk was taking pics of us and I am sure we made their day.
Fancy Pants, Tazzie, and me, put on our wigs and headed back to Jilli's. There we would wait for the rest to show up in a couple hours.
Can you just imagine the looks we got from the people passing by us!!! We got honks, whistles and thumbs up. I was cracking up in side. After we got off the bikes, I told the girls, hey we looked pretty good....from behind, with all that long hair flowing!!
Jilli's place is lovely, we all had our own room, heck I had my own suite. Treated like Queens I might add.
She had nice snacks put out. A couple more girls arrived. More Vancouver Island Lady Riders. Chris, Jen, and Bonnie. Of course in the end every one had wigs on. The beers came out, so did the camera. Tazzie was singing. Great stories were told.
Ride to Port Alberni

This is my bro BigE and Roy!!! BigE who rides my X, and Roy rides a Vtx too.
We were pretty impressed with Bro he became the road leader and has only been riding for just over 2 months. He lead the pack to PA!!

Our pitstop to pic up the Taz, and there was this guy there that had a bike for sale... Nice, we thought, bigger, and very pretty, and the price is right. They exchanged numbers and she is going to check it out.

Jude/Fancypants/blingbutt/ rode from Courtenay with the boys. Check out the leathers... These leathers have quite the story to them. Anyway, it was so funny, every one started calling her Ladyinred, or Little Red Riding hood. Nope, no can do it is Taken all ready. So I look at her butt and it is so blinged out, I started with Bling butt, or Fancy Pants.

Here we got Hoss, it was the Skull that attracted me.

These are the boys that we rode up with when at first me and Fancy Pants thought we were headed to the BFZ. (BRA FREE ZONE) Girls weekend.
It was a gorgeous day for a ride and nice to have 10 bikes on a last minute decision.. Got to love those rides, you just never know who you will be riding with.
We rode to PA and went for a smorgy before we left the guys go off to see the Tall Ships...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Parking lot Practise.
BigE and I had actually planned to ride to Sayward, but on the way in that direction I decided to go into Painter Barkley neighbour hood. Only time I ever lead really is when I am very close to home.
I really enjoy stopping and starting more that just riding in a straight line. I knew he knew something was up when I kept turning, left, then right, then down tho the water and back, and he's giving me the WhAAAT look. Next stop sign, I just said follow me, and off we went to the parking lot behind the old mall.
I had my friend Ada there so she could film us. Pretty funny really. I think Eric thinks the faster he goes with out putting it down the better he is in the slow maneuvers...lmao Okay so his figure 8's are the size of the parking lot... His circles the same... Ha.. he just didn't have Motorman to show him so I thought I would use his skills....YELLING...SNAP YOUR HEAD...SNAP..SNAP..LOOK WHERE YA WANT TO GO.
Too funny, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and realize what a long way I have to go yet to master that bike, or any bike for that matter. I want to do it like the Pro's.. That is really my goal now I think.
I am tired of cutting hair, I was to cut corners... I want to ride like my buddy DonnatheDoc.. I would like to be an instructor some day when i grow up..shit better hurry up on that.
I have ridden 8,500 miles since May 21, ya would think I would have it down perfect. Just goes to show you no matter how long how far you been riding you can always improve your riding skills.
I am now selling RIDE LIKE A PRO dvd's. yesterday in the Barbershop, some guy was asking about it as it is perched up there for every client to see and start asking. Soon as they mention it of course...Boom, off I go on a rant!!
This guys has the balls to say... Ï don't need it girlie..., I been riding for 30 years off and on".....Precisely I said, you probably need it more than most. I asked him the 3 most valuable techniques... Be careful he said...ROFLMAO!!!
Says he will be in soon to buy one!
We are going to Port Alberni today and seeing the Tall ships, having a pajama party at Jilly's place. It is called Bra Free Zone. BFZ Should be good to get to know the gals even better, see some ships, take a ride. The weather is beautiful.
Jilly has asked me to demonstrate picking up a bike, not sure if I can still do it with Motorman not standing there. Again, need practise.
I really enjoy stopping and starting more that just riding in a straight line. I knew he knew something was up when I kept turning, left, then right, then down tho the water and back, and he's giving me the WhAAAT look. Next stop sign, I just said follow me, and off we went to the parking lot behind the old mall.
I had my friend Ada there so she could film us. Pretty funny really. I think Eric thinks the faster he goes with out putting it down the better he is in the slow maneuvers...lmao Okay so his figure 8's are the size of the parking lot... His circles the same... Ha.. he just didn't have Motorman to show him so I thought I would use his skills....YELLING...SNAP YOUR HEAD...SNAP..SNAP..LOOK WHERE YA WANT TO GO.
Too funny, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and realize what a long way I have to go yet to master that bike, or any bike for that matter. I want to do it like the Pro's.. That is really my goal now I think.
I am tired of cutting hair, I was to cut corners... I want to ride like my buddy DonnatheDoc.. I would like to be an instructor some day when i grow up..shit better hurry up on that.
I have ridden 8,500 miles since May 21, ya would think I would have it down perfect. Just goes to show you no matter how long how far you been riding you can always improve your riding skills.
I am now selling RIDE LIKE A PRO dvd's. yesterday in the Barbershop, some guy was asking about it as it is perched up there for every client to see and start asking. Soon as they mention it of course...Boom, off I go on a rant!!
This guys has the balls to say... Ï don't need it girlie..., I been riding for 30 years off and on".....Precisely I said, you probably need it more than most. I asked him the 3 most valuable techniques... Be careful he said...ROFLMAO!!!
Says he will be in soon to buy one!
We are going to Port Alberni today and seeing the Tall ships, having a pajama party at Jilly's place. It is called Bra Free Zone. BFZ Should be good to get to know the gals even better, see some ships, take a ride. The weather is beautiful.
Jilly has asked me to demonstrate picking up a bike, not sure if I can still do it with Motorman not standing there. Again, need practise.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday night Ride to Parksville.
Again a last minute ride turns out to be a wonderful evening with a bunch of friends, some new ones and some I had met before.
Brother Blingo had mentioned that he was going to Naniamo to take his daughter there. Then plans changed she got a ride. Says, he wasn't going now....
That didn't go over to well with me, and the freekin sun was shining. Who knows when the rain will start again. So ones got to ride whilst the sun shines.
I mentioned that to him on the forum that he agreed, so everyone jumped in and it was great.
BigE/Ada and I rode to CMS, to meet Bling, off we went with Spyderman following , this time Ada, jumps on behind Spyerman, with a huge big grin on her face. She is visiting here from Mexico and thought it was pretty dang cool to ride a Spyder... "It's okay, she says"... Si, Chaquita, no Spider bites here...
We get to Carl, and there is Michael and Bob, and off we go to Qualicum..The FUHR FACTOR leads the pack.
When we get to the Hut in Qualicum, there is Dragon, Taz, Vulcantor.. Eating of course. Vulc, had the best french fries any of us had ever eaten... So we helped him eat them.
Off we went to Parksville water front, Dogdrifter, and the gang were there, some new and some old faces. No one is old lets put it that way.
We all had food and drinks and laughs of course. Hung around for quite sometime.
Time to leave and the PA, gang, followed us down to Qualicum to their turn off. It was a beautiful sight to behold. The sun going down, the lights of the bikes and the huge line behind me. All these new friends, bring shivers to my spine and a huge big grin on my face.
Not bad for a spur of the moment decision on a ride... Ride on!!!
BigE/Ada, and I arrived home at 11pm... I would say we had a great late night. Everyone exhausted, but a good exhaustion.
Brother Blingo had mentioned that he was going to Naniamo to take his daughter there. Then plans changed she got a ride. Says, he wasn't going now....
That didn't go over to well with me, and the freekin sun was shining. Who knows when the rain will start again. So ones got to ride whilst the sun shines.
I mentioned that to him on the forum that he agreed, so everyone jumped in and it was great.
BigE/Ada and I rode to CMS, to meet Bling, off we went with Spyderman following , this time Ada, jumps on behind Spyerman, with a huge big grin on her face. She is visiting here from Mexico and thought it was pretty dang cool to ride a Spyder... "It's okay, she says"... Si, Chaquita, no Spider bites here...
We get to Carl, and there is Michael and Bob, and off we go to Qualicum..The FUHR FACTOR leads the pack.
When we get to the Hut in Qualicum, there is Dragon, Taz, Vulcantor.. Eating of course. Vulc, had the best french fries any of us had ever eaten... So we helped him eat them.
Off we went to Parksville water front, Dogdrifter, and the gang were there, some new and some old faces. No one is old lets put it that way.
We all had food and drinks and laughs of course. Hung around for quite sometime.
Time to leave and the PA, gang, followed us down to Qualicum to their turn off. It was a beautiful sight to behold. The sun going down, the lights of the bikes and the huge line behind me. All these new friends, bring shivers to my spine and a huge big grin on my face.
Not bad for a spur of the moment decision on a ride... Ride on!!!
BigE/Ada, and I arrived home at 11pm... I would say we had a great late night. Everyone exhausted, but a good exhaustion.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday with Jan and Josie
Jan and Josie rode up from Ladysmith around lunch time. Jan was dying to get her hands on the RLAP dvd as she is needing to brush up on things. She is basically a new rider, after not riding since she was a youngin.
Taz/Jos is just a new rider also and has not got her endorsment yet. She is a riding fool though, an addict!! She came along for the ride and brought that Chesire grin with her.
We only had a couple hours to play as they wanted to get back by dinner time. So we went for a quick lunch and then we headed back down Island.
I have to say, that I was mortified to see Mz Jan arrive in barefeet in sandles!!! Yowser.. not to safe, and especially if there is a bit of a problem keeping your feet on the foot pegs. I told her she was going to get a new knickname soon, that she probably wouldn't like if it didnt change. Of course with a smile. Soon as we arrived at CMS, Spyderman said the same thing...Flo, tell her to get boots on, it is so not safe. I do believe the next time she will have boots on, and her feet up!!
We pulled off the the Driftwood parking lot and had a little parking lot practise with the gals. In a nuts shell, we all need to watch the dvd again, and get that parking lot set up...ASAP!!!
I rode as far as Fanny Bay with the girls and headed back home. Beautiful afternoon!!!
Taz/Jos is just a new rider also and has not got her endorsment yet. She is a riding fool though, an addict!! She came along for the ride and brought that Chesire grin with her.
We only had a couple hours to play as they wanted to get back by dinner time. So we went for a quick lunch and then we headed back down Island.
I have to say, that I was mortified to see Mz Jan arrive in barefeet in sandles!!! Yowser.. not to safe, and especially if there is a bit of a problem keeping your feet on the foot pegs. I told her she was going to get a new knickname soon, that she probably wouldn't like if it didnt change. Of course with a smile. Soon as we arrived at CMS, Spyderman said the same thing...Flo, tell her to get boots on, it is so not safe. I do believe the next time she will have boots on, and her feet up!!
We pulled off the the Driftwood parking lot and had a little parking lot practise with the gals. In a nuts shell, we all need to watch the dvd again, and get that parking lot set up...ASAP!!!
I rode as far as Fanny Bay with the girls and headed back home. Beautiful afternoon!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Took my X for a ride.
I finally did it!!! I took my X for a ride when we were at GearJammers.
It has been 4 weeks since I have been home from the Conga. I haven't stop and dropped the Queen since Death Valley, although, I do believe there is people thinking it is going to happen. She is feeling very comfy now. I think I should be feeling comfy, I have 8,000 miles on this season so far.
The saying has been ...STEP AWAY FROM THE X!!! Every time I got close to her. I think it was a very good idea really. Although at times I just wanted to take her for a burn!! I was missing the fit, and the handle bars. I wanted to get the same bars for my Queen.
I wouldn't take no for an answer and I just got on her and went up the road and back. There was no burnin up the road. It was NOT a pretty sight to watch. I can't believe how nervous i was. Heck, I even forgot how to turn it on.
I jurked my way up the road, and couldn't even ride in second gear properly. It was hilarious, I thought to myself, I am not liking this one little bit. These handle bars are stupid!!! I'm going to do a U-turn, and did I ever, about the size of a house!!
When I got back they were laughing at me, and Eric had a worried look on his face like I was going to stop and drop!!
I got off and said....I'm over it... so over it!!! Now I don't even want the handle bars, maybe just some risers. Whew, good thing, I did that, or I would have gone and spent money I didn't need to..
I can honestly say, Iam a Harley Chick now!!
It is hard to describe, but the difference is amazing, and when I go around a corner it is so smooth. I guess its just what you get used to, and now I am..
I love my Skully Queen!!!
It has been 4 weeks since I have been home from the Conga. I haven't stop and dropped the Queen since Death Valley, although, I do believe there is people thinking it is going to happen. She is feeling very comfy now. I think I should be feeling comfy, I have 8,000 miles on this season so far.
The saying has been ...STEP AWAY FROM THE X!!! Every time I got close to her. I think it was a very good idea really. Although at times I just wanted to take her for a burn!! I was missing the fit, and the handle bars. I wanted to get the same bars for my Queen.
I wouldn't take no for an answer and I just got on her and went up the road and back. There was no burnin up the road. It was NOT a pretty sight to watch. I can't believe how nervous i was. Heck, I even forgot how to turn it on.
I jurked my way up the road, and couldn't even ride in second gear properly. It was hilarious, I thought to myself, I am not liking this one little bit. These handle bars are stupid!!! I'm going to do a U-turn, and did I ever, about the size of a house!!
When I got back they were laughing at me, and Eric had a worried look on his face like I was going to stop and drop!!
I got off and said....I'm over it... so over it!!! Now I don't even want the handle bars, maybe just some risers. Whew, good thing, I did that, or I would have gone and spent money I didn't need to..
I can honestly say, Iam a Harley Chick now!!
It is hard to describe, but the difference is amazing, and when I go around a corner it is so smooth. I guess its just what you get used to, and now I am..
I love my Skully Queen!!!
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