Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shawn Steven Parkinglot.

Shawn and Steven came up from down Island to do some parking lot practise with me. I had to work till 2 so I asked them if they wouldn't mind sweeping the parking lot and it had a big thick spot of gravel, and we wanted to draw out another exercise. They went at it for awhile, while I was working and then when I got off, they were still doing it only with a gas powered blower. Steven had rented it.. I gave them some money for paint to freshen it all up so that when we do clips Motorman can see it better if we are staying in the lines when he critiques us.
I never realized what a job it was, but I sure appreciate it!! So we had an hour to practise before they headed out. Ram was there also and we practised together quite a bit.
I was trying to do the offset, as Motorman said to narrow it down, but I sure don't think I heard him right when it comes to the measurements. Because it was so NOT working. I put the boys on their exercises the rest of the time.. The like it when I yell at them snap your head look at
Now for all those people that thought the VTX 1800 was too big for a brand new rider...They were so wrong. This guys has got it!! A freaking natural. I am sure Motorman would even say that.
He says, how come I can't scrape like you Auntie?? I said don't you worry, you will get there, just concentrate on staying in the 8... Keeping the friction zone, and don't even worry about your lean too much. Don't forget to look where you want to go and once that feels really comfy, worry about the scrape. From what I see anyway you are about an inch away from scraping.
This boy has no patience I tell ya.....Listens to everything I say....Goes in the 8...I said..okay, this one is for the Motorman.....I will give you 2 rounds before I start filming.........Crikey!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scrape...Scrape.......lean, head and eyes, friction.. The boy has got it!!!
The fear of the Motorman...lmao
Steven did really well too.. Still wants to keep his finger on the front brake so I am on him about that.. Just not quite in the friction zone constantly but I think he was tired out from the sweeping.
I am trying to get the clips on to UTube but it is not working.

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