Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A private email from Down South of the Boarder.

I was sent this in a private email from down south of the boarder. I know some people are sick of hearing what good became out of the most amazing experience in a fairly newbie middle aged rider could have ever experieinced.

I wish they would stop reading my blog and my forum. If it bothers them that much, it is plain and simple.........DONT READ IT!
I had some moments where I thought that I would give it up, because it is driving some folk mad, my pasion to become a Pro Rider. I feel I have been given a gift in life.... The opportunity to meet and ride with the most amazing people in the world, not just the US. The Palladinos are very unselfish people. Not only did they take in a total stranger into their homes they, followed me home through the internet and guided me, when times got tough. They are regular posters on my forum and give free advice to anyone who want it. They have helped people improve their skills all over the world and we here on Vancouver Island are going to get the opportunity to have them come here. Is that not worth talking about?? You bet it is!!! I have been home just short of 3 months and it has not stopped my desire to continue to improve my riding skills and to share with anyone that has the same desire.
The Conga an its results are being talked about in many areas of the country that I would not even know unless people were to tell me. This is not about is about WOMEN WHO RIDE....their spouses and family that are their for them.. Women wanting to get together and ride..... across state, country , province, what ever. To jump in where ever you can for how long you can, to bring women together from any part of the continent.
I still get private emails from friends I have met and friends whom I have never met wanting to share stories about the Conga or asking me if I plan to do another can they ride. It is all over whelming for me, but I am very proud to have been apart of that ride.
My buddy Doc and I hope that it expands each year.. I hope that woman will help woman reach their dreams. I will never forget what people did for me and I only hope to be able to do the same for them or others.
Most of the outcome of the Conga has been a very positve thing here on the Island and Donna and Jerry are looking forward to coming to the Island next year to do some classes.
So I will say it again, for all of those who want no part of it.... DON'T READ!!
I am getting a little side tracked.... I recieved an email from a SCRC member down in the US.... This is what he said.....Flo... I just wanted you to know that people are talking about you in Georgia!!!

Hey Folks-

If you're a new rider, or a rider with 200K miles under your belt, you will want to see this video. No crashes, no road rash, just a highly skilled rider performing really tight lock-to-lock manuevers. You will enjoy this.

The rider is Flo Fuhr, 5 foot 1 inch in height, and an SCRC member from Vancouver Island, BC. Some of you may remember Flo's story from this past summer- She purchased a Harley Davidson Road King from Jerry "Motorman" and Donna "The Doc" Paladino in Hudson, Florida, and planned to ride the Roadie back to BC. By herself. Yes.

Well, it seems that a few SCRC folks, and a few non-SCRC folks, got wind of Flo's ambitious jaunt, and they got together and organized the "Go With The Flo Congo Ride". Long story short, (real short), is that Flo was accompanied by riders nearly all the way across the United States and into Canada. A lot of you reading this post had a hand in this effort, and were fortunate enough to meet, to ride with, and to bond with Flo. She is truly a gracious and appreciative person.

To hear Flo, a dyed-in-the-wool Canadian, describe her experiences with the Americans that she met during her 17 day experience, would make you proud to be an American. I was with Flo for a few days as she came to NC to ride the Tail. We rode 45 minutes out of our way just so that Flo could get an American flag for her Roadie.

When I asked Flo why she wanted the flag so badly, she looked me in the eye and said "I will be flying this flag when I cross the border into Canada, and I want Canadians to know how I love you damn people. I cant say enough about the Americans". I sometimes wish we had more Americans saying the same thing.............

Heres the link to see her practice video.............

Flo started a Delphi forum that has become tremendously popular.............heres a link to see what shes up to next.................Careful though, you may become one of Flo's fans............

ENJOY...............And strive......................
Bill "UEee" Daves
First Officer
SCRC Lake Blue Ridge Chapter #380


WyzWmn© said...


You need no one’s permission to live your life as you see fit…and you need no one’s approval…

You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself and whom/whatever you perceive god to be....

After that….they can all pound sand…

Flo said...

Thanks Sister... I love your way with words as usual!!