Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Strange day in the parking lot!

It was 4:45 and almost time to go to the parking lot before going home for supper. Just then 3 bikes pulled in, and I recognized Elaina the gal I met a couple weeks ago and cuts hair. I am hoping I can convince her to come cut hair for six months straight, while I go to Mexico and Florida.

She was with her girlfriend Sophia, and some strange dude, I had never seen before. A big dude on a Fat boy!! She came in to say hey... I will come in tomorrow she said. I met this guy on the ferry coming home from the Oyster run. He is from Florida, and has been traveling 2 months.........
I say ...WHAAT?? I already like this dude and had'nt met him yet. Great big burley guy with a southern accent. All of sudden, I was telling him my story, and he said he had heard part of it already. He said, any wonders you flew to Florida for that sweet ride girl!!
I would like to say it was more than 5 minutes but it wasn't before he had a dvd in his hands and buying it!! Poor man, struck by the Flo!! Anyway, I told him, I was heading to the parking lot if he cared to join me, and see what the dvd could do for him. The girls all agreed and were ... shall I say, going with the flo.
This man, had just done what I did....Traveled from Florida to Vancouver Island and was staying with strangers, but by this time were not strangers. He was from Sebastion Florida which is I believe on the other coast of Florida from my dear friends the Palladinos. I felt a closeness, like we were friends. It was amazing really. In such a short time, I wanted to make this guy feel as comfortable on Vancouver Island as I was made in Florida and all the other states.
He just smiled and said in his southern accent, I would love to see what this dvd will do for me girl. Off to the parking lot we go, and I told him, I would go through all the excercises first if he thought and if he felt like it, spend more time with him. As he now had all the instructions in the pamphlet on how to lay out the excercises. Damn, I hate being the way I am sometime, but he seemed to be really enjoying it, so I continued on.
He pointed out the intersection first and said... What's this one Flo? Well that be the intersection it is hard really and you should start over there, pointing at the slow cone. Ah, letme try it!! Crikey... give me 4 hours in the parking lot with this dude and he would be a pro in no time. All he was missin was me yelling....SNAP....LOOK AT ME!! OMFG.. I am cracking up as I write, as I must be such a freek, to the average person. I tell ya, he was loving it!! Stayin inside the lines, scraping already, just missing the head snap and the butt dance..
We do that for awhile.....and then I had to pry him off the intersection, over to the figure 8, SNAP, LOOK AT ME!!!
OK smaty pants, I thought in a fun way, we will take you over to the Texas Star, I did it first, and he went after me, as I was yelling SNAP...LOOK AT ME!!! (I need a new patch) OK, this one was quite a bit harder but he did it!! Told me afterwards... Whoa girl, that was really hard and my circles were 10 times bigger than yours... I said, ya but ya did it... He really was impressive, said he never been practising in a parking lot ever, but he already has one set in mind for when he goes home... LMFAO!
Okay so then it is off to the off set cone weave.. He did really good again for a newbie, lost the friction zone a couple times and forgets to snap his head if I am not yelling at
We have an audience by now... Tanya, Ram, Sophia, Elaina, Me and Jason, slayin the off set. He is loving it! We take a little break to cool down the bikes, and I told him to follow me,and we went through all the excercises again... Excellent!!
Okay.......Now for the best one, I told him...follow me... the DREADED 12FT OFF SET....Ha!!! I explained how to do it and to SNAP when I did and go through the gate.
I made it about half way through and he barely made it at all.... Pulls up to me and says...Girl..........that really is nasty!! I couldn't help it, but started to laugh and told him I was very sorry... Not to worry as I couldn't do it yet either but if he continued to watch the dvd more than once, he would get it, just as I would.
Tanya looked at me and said...omg,... that so was not very nice to do to him Flo!! I told her, I just could not resist!!
We ended up all going to my house for a visit and of course Florida came up and I told him he needed to go take the course, and tell them Flo sent him. He is going to come on the forum, says he will take the course, but wants to make sure I am there so I can yell at him....SNAP LOOK AT ME!!
It really was a great time... I gave him a RLAP hat and told him I do not just give them to anyone, and he said, no doubt, and I promise I will not wear it until I am riding like a pro.... like you!!
He said to Rob... That woman of yours knows how to ride man... Rob said, ya... why do ya think I can't go with her to the parking lot!!
I am hoping he will be back on Sunday so we can plan a ride to Gold River, one of the most beautiful rides on the Island and of course slay the parking lot once again. Also if it fits into the schedule and not raining too much take him to Mnt. Washington with the gals.

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