Thursday, October 23, 2008

I got out to the parking lot last night with Vgirl and Pinkat. We only have an hour after work these days to practise before it gets dark.
Pinkat is on about her 8th hour of riding. She rides it from my house to the parking lot, practises for an hour and then rides it back to the house. So she is getting about 10 miles of road time. One hour of practising. She is doing awesome and is really getting the cone weave and figure 8 down good, with a nice steady friction zone, and I am not having to tell her as much to snap her head.
She always has such a huge smile on her face and is always so grateful at the end. It makes her feel a lot safer having Vgirl behind her tail gunning. I was totally impressed how she can take off on the steep hill when she is parked without any troubles. Gaad.. how I hated that hill when I was learning. Definitely got a future pro on our hands
Actually.. that Tanya is going to be teaching me a few things soon. I can feel it. I have not been able to practise much because of my new clutch and then spending time with Pinkat instead of practising my self. It is nice to have her support. It just shows ta go you... I am so not a natural.
Yikers!! The slow cone... I need practise and that damn 12ft wench of an offset. Terrible, terrible I say. I was literally in tears as I couldn't get it. Now put me on that figure 8 and it is music to my ears.

I guess it is soon time to just let it go until I get down Florida way with the professionals. Being off for 6 months, I can't imagine how rusty I will be.

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