Monday, October 20, 2008

Pinkat rides in hail storm

Well .... she is for sure a biker!! I got off work early as she was so excited to get to the parking lot. By the time we geared up and got the Stinky going,...we looked towards the parking lot direction. The sky was black. So we decided no parking lot, just go for a little short ride to fuel up the bike. We went about 5 blocks and the skies opened up.. With hail, pinking in my face like pellets. They were good size and collecting right in the pocket of my seat... Not funny!!
So why was I laughing?? I was thinking about poor Pinkat and couldn't get her off the road as we were on a main drag with no turns.
Travelling very slowly and safely, and was praying she was okay. We got to the gas station and both got off at the same time... laughing our fool heads off.
The gas attendents came on the intercome and told us to come in and get warm.
They bought us a hot choclate while we wait for it to blow over. Everyone was laughing at us, and we were explaing that she had about 6 m iles or riding time on the road.
Hey that is good practise riding in sleet.. Pinky did not like it either and on the way back to the house died, or should I say took a good rest in the middle of a busy street.
I was so proud how, Pinkat, calmly got off her bike signaled to pull over to the opposite side of the road which I was.
We got it home and had some more good laughs and says that todays ride earned her 5 more hours under her belt...
She can't wait to ride tomorrow. What a trooper.

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