Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Letter from a friend I have never met!

I have never met this woman in person, but have chatted lots over the years, I recieved this letter this morning. I believe she lives in Ontario!

Hi Flo,
I can see by the forums that something negative has been going on with some club members and I'm sorry to realize that. I see Dr. Ruth's camaraderie ride did much to dissipate any hard feelings and that is wonderful to see. I hope things turn around. We had something much the same happen here a year ago in our SCRC club, and everyone left the club. There wasn't one group event or ride this year, there is no group, although they haven't closed the forum down. In spite of all that things change and life goes on. Most people joined the CMC and I ride alone or with the hubby.I see also some people have said negative things, whether about you or what you are trying to do, or something said... I don't know and it doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you that most of us have dreams and it is the right thing to work on fulfilling those dreams, regardless of what anyone says.

My first book reading is tomorrow night and my presentation is about you. I wanted you to know that (in case your ears get burning). You have changed so much and accomplished so much in your few years of riding. I remember you hitting the forums, I guess 3 or 4 years ago now, full of questions and anxiety and uncertainty. Today you are a remarkable, confident woman and I am proud to be presenting the story of your adventures to my friends and acquaintances. I imagine you can expect some more hits to your blog after tomorrow... hahaha

Anyway, I'd better get back to my article on stress... lol .. lots of that going around.
Happy RLAPping and I'll see you on the forums

It is amazing really how many people watch and care what is going on. I never really realize just how much one person can affect so many.. Good or bad reasons. Obviously she could feel the stress way over in her own province. I will be glad when all this stuff blows over.
One thing for sure....I will always wonder... what the real cause was. Was it RLAPING...it couln't really be lack of interest. I have put 11,000 miles on my bike since I returned from the Conga, and rode with SCRC all over the Island. It just so happened, I was hanging down Victoria way with my new friend.
Is it because I post too much, well , if I got something to say, I need to say it. Especially if it is encouraging.
I think the one reason RLAP is so important to me, is because I was one of the most challenged riders out there. Any one who knows me, knows that. I am never afraid to share that, to make me look bad, it is to encourage others, that if I can, it is possible for almost anyone.
To buy the dvd is one thing, but I had the honor of being there one on one with Jerry Motorman Palladino and Donna Palladino. Even though I thought I could ride when I got to Florida I really couldn't. I couldn't do the cone weave for the life of me. The u-turns were as MM might say, the size of 2 countries. I did not know I had to SNAP my head to look where I was going.
So to have, been given that for free, and to return home with the one on one again from Motorman... I felt it only right to share it, with anyone else that wanted it. Like paying it forward.
It was never meant to brag.... I know I am guilty for getting too enthusiastic over things from time to time, and now its plain obvious, it can get me in trouble.
I never even realized that it was at all possible to come close to riding like the pro's.. When the Pallidinos watched and told me and encourage and critqued me... It was then, that I realized I wanted to share it even more.
Especially to woman. It is important to feel sure and safe on the busy streets. I am learning more every day myself.
We all have goals is right, and to hang up my scissors and take a passion into a job is a pretty good goal.
Keeping my fingers crossed that I can continue and figure out a way to have the first Canadian RLAP.

1 comment:

Bikerhen said...

Right on Flobee, right on!