Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Looking back

It has been quite a season since I have been back from Florida with my new bike. I have managed to put on almost 17,000 miles since May 21 when I left Florida. Wow, it has been a whirl wind really. Here it is almost time to head south to Mexico to our other home in the sunshine. I will be riding the 49cc scooter and walking the beach. Sunshine everyday, it always make the blues go away.
A little recap in my mind of how things went since I've been back almost five months to the day.... I met so many new people. Especially down the other end of the Island where my new found Friend Dragon was. I met people that I knew only by nicks from the Forums. I saw roads on the Island I had never been on before.
I was still only working 3 days a week so I had lots of time to ride. I went to Port Alberni and met so many new people there also. I got to know a great bunch. There was rides being planned here and there and everywhere.
My forum Vancouver Island Lady Rider VILR became one of the most popular biker forums on Delphi. We were all organizing rides and trying to jump in here or there with a friend for a scoot somewhere or a last minute hook up with someone. I was almost never home.
Of course I was so into RLAP that I talked about it all the time and found a parking lot to put all the exercises, with help from friends and family. I was wanting to share what I had been taught by the pros in Florida. For me it was just amazing to me how much one could improve their skills after riding for years. I never went anywhere with out RLAP DVD in my saddle bags. I wasn't out riding, you could find me out in a parking lot somewhere.
I was being critiqued by Motorman through video clips and you tube. Docdonna was giving me encouragement through emails and posts on my forum. I was honored that Motorman would give his time on my forum to help critique other riders that were interested also. The more time went on, the more I knew I was loving it, and by helping friends I knew I was seriously considering becoming an instructor as I so enjoyed helping someone improve.
I guess my enthusiasm drove some people nuts. Others just encouraged or joined me. It was fun and exciting watching each other improve our riding skills or conquer a difficult exercise. One gal in particular Vgirl, just a brand new rider, became as dedicated as me. She is doing some of the excercise better than me. That is so exciting watch a newbie become such an awesome confident rider so soon. Not because of ME... because of MOTORMANS dvd's., because of HER. Her determination!!!
I wanted to share, with those that wanted and even up in Port Alberni we had a huge group come out to practise these exercises in their parking lot. We were honored to have a local Motorcop join us and encourgae us.
I know I get a little over enthusiastic about things that I believe in. Wether it is about riding, running, working out, new diet , living in Mexico, planning a ride, or a fund raiser, an new book, a persons desire to become an great author.. Whatever !!!! ... if it helps me and I think may help others. I am enthused!!
I never for once wanted to show how good I was, but how good the DVDs were and just what you could learn from them. Hell, if someone like me could learn it.then why not share it.
Apparently that is not how I came across to some people and it caused a bit of an explosion. I will never understand, how sharing, giving, something you have ,can cause such a commotion. I wonder if I'd won a billion dollars and shared if it would cause the same commotion.
One other thing, I do not understand is why... if people have a problem with you can they not have the decency to email you privately or call you and just be up front and honest. Especially when you come right out and ask if there is a problem and they deny it or say they don't have any idea what you are talking about.
The long and short of it all is ...I seemed to have caused quite a commotion here on the Island. It is a very sad situation for many... myself included. I would like to say that I am sorry for anything that I have done that would caused such an upheaval, but for the life of me I can not figure out what it was or what I did. It was never my intention. I only wanted to share with friends. I have ignored all the nasty posts on the forums. This was the last one ...and I AM going to defend myself once and for all for everyone that reads my blog.
If only someone could have simply stood up to me and said something before this all grew out of proportion!!


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